Business News | July 2006  
Grupo Salinas Inaugurates Employee Housing for Hurricane Stan Victims in Chiapas
PRNewswire - FirstCall

| Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo Salinas Pliego, founding chairman of Mexican conglomerate, Grupo Salinas. (Landov) | 'Grupo Salinas is the only example of private sector housing reconstruction support to lighten the burden on state reconstruction efforts,' said Chiapas Governor Pablo Salazar Mendiguchia.
 Tapachula, Mexico - Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo Salinas Pliego, founding chairman of Mexican conglomerate, Grupo Salinas, last week presented housing to employees of retailer Grupo Elektra affected by Hurricane Stan in Tapachula, Chiapas.
 As one of Mexico's poorest states, the area was especially hard hit by Hurricane Stan in October 2005. Although Stan was overshadowed in terms of international attention by the prior natural disaster in the United States, Hurricane Katrina, it is estimated that Hurricane Stan affected more than 2 million people in Mexico and caused over US$2 billion in damages, leaving more than 100,000 people homeless. Resulting mud slides in neighboring Guatemala caused the destruction of an entire town.
 In an event that was also presided by Carlos Septien, CEO of Banco Azteca and Esteban Moctezuma Barragan, Executive President of Grupo Salinas' non-profit arm, Fundacion Azteca, as well as Chiapas Governor Pablo Salazar Mendiguchia, local officials and Elektra workers, Salinas thanked Grupo Salinas executives and employees for participating in the fundraiser for the "Comunidad Habitacional Grupo Elektra" housing complex, which provides dignified housing to employees affected by the hurricane.
 "I would ask all of you here who are benefiting from this housing to never forget that tomorrow it may be you who are called upon to help others in similar situations. Just as a hand was lent to you, take this as a message that things can be done, and it is important to help those in need," said Mr. Salinas.
 Chiapas Governor Salazar said that the combined federal, state and local funds have been used in reconstruction, except for a sole case. "There is just one exception in which the government did not carry the full burden of housing reconstruction. That exception is Grupo Salinas. This is the only example of a member of the business community, which without being asked by anybody, took it upon itself to take responsibility in an act of generosity to its employees."
 Representing the families, Marco Antonio Lopez thanked Mr. Salinas for his generosity and said he felt proud to be part of Grupo Salinas, an organization that supports its employees.
 The "Comunidad Habitacional Grupo Elektra" was built on land donated by the state, and includes 12 furnished houses and six commercial spaces. It also has a communal area and a play area for children.
 About Grupo Salinas
 Grupo Salinas is a group of dynamic, fast growing and technologically advanced companies focused on creating shareholder value, building the middle class in the countries where it operates, and improving society through excellence. Created by Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo B. Salinas, Grupo Salinas has no equity holdings but operates as a management development and decision forum for top leaders of member companies TV Azteca, Azteca America, Grupo Elektra, Banco Azteca, Seguros Azteca, Afore Azteca, Iusacell, Unefon, Movil@ccess, Azteca Internet and Telecosmo. Grupo Salinas is not just a group of companies, it is an invaluable pool of talented managers and professionals who enrich experiences by sharing best practices, procedures and advanced technologies throughout several industries. | 
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