News from Around Banderas Bay | August 2006  
American Consulate New Location Update
Sue Fornoff - PVNN

| The US Consular Agency Puerto Vallarta has moved to a new location in Nuevo Vallarta. The Consulate is now located at Paseo de los Cocoteros Local #14, Int. #17, in front of Il Pescatore Restaurant at Paradise Plaza - not in the mall. | The US Consular Agency Puerto Vallarta has moved to a new location in Nuevo Vallarta. After finding out the building they were occupying in El Centro in Puerto Vallarta was scheduled for a complete overhaul, Consular Agent Kelly Trainor said they were forced to look elsewhere for office space.
 The Consulate is now located in the Paradise Plaza, but not in the mall. The office is right in front of Il Pescatore Restaurant. There are signs providing directions from the street. In the fall of this year, the Consulate will move again to their permanent home in the Paradise Plaza mall.
 Trainor, Consular Agent since 1998, said that accessibility was a main requirement. Parking was very difficult at the old location. The new office features parking right out front and is very convenient to the bus line as well. As the office is on the ground level, access for mobility-impaired individuals is very good.
 The US Consular Agency Puerto Vallarta provides emergency services to American Citizens residing in or visiting the area around Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. Some examples of when citizens require consular services are deaths of American citizens in the area, incarcerations and hospitalizations.

| The office is right in front of Il Pescatore Restaurant - just follow the signs. | The Consular Agency also provides notary service and receives applications for U.S. passports and consular reports of birth abroad (CRBAs.) Passport and CRBA applications are forwarded to the US Consulate General Guadalajara (the Consular Agency's supervisory post) for processing.
 Trainor said, "The Consular Agency is here to be of service to US citizens. We welcome ideas for programs to better serve the public." In the past, Trainor has organized meetings to provide information about health care issues and has hosted "town hall" style question and answer sessions.
 Hours of Operation
The US Consular Agency Puerto Vallarta is open to the public Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, except for US and Mexican holidays. The Consular Agency is also closed on the third Wednesday of every month for in-service training. For after-hours emergencies involving life or limb, please call the Duty Officer at the US Consulate General Guadalajara, at (52)(333) 268-2145
 Paradise Plaza Paseo de los Cocoteros Local #14, Int. #17 Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit 63732
 The telephone and fax numbers remain the same Phone (322) 222-0069 Fax (322) 223-0074 Email: consularagentpvr@prodigy.net.mx Website address http://guadalajara.usconsulate.gov/Vallarta.htm | 
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