20 Inmates Escape from Jail in Guadalajara
Associated Press

| Two prisoners were recaptured, but authorities gave no details. They were searching for the 18 prisoners still at large. | Guadalajara, Mexico – Twenty inmates, many of them wanted on homicide, rape and robbery charges, escaped from a jail in the western state of Jalisco after overpowering guards and taking their keys, authorities said Friday. Two of the inmates were later captured and the guards are under investigation.
 The escape took place shortly before midnight Thursday in Zacoalco de Torresin, an agricultural city of 30,000 people about 60 kilometers (40 miles) southwest of Guadalajara, said state Public Safety Director Aldo Monjardin Diaz.
 The jail was housing 29 inmates from several communities in the region at the time of the escape. Those who fled were jailed on charges of homicide, robbery, rape and corruption of minors, Monjardin said.
 The prisoners surprised and then beat the two guards, one of whom was hospitalized, he said. Two prisoners were recaptured, but authorities gave no details. They were searching for the 18 prisoners still at large. |