Technology News | August 2006  
If You Have a Child and a Computer - Read This!
Sueanne Hagemann - PVNN
 As the mother of a teenager daughter the access to the internet on our computer has been a battle for years. Always looking over her shoulder and trying to stay on top of where she was visiting on the internet. Then comes the fights “Oh Mom get over it”, “I was only on for 30 minutes”, “Everyone goes on that site” and so on.
 After a lot of research on the different products available to monitor and block inappropriate sites I came upon a great product called Watch Dog. After you set the levels and content you want your child to have access to, it does the work and evens lets out a “Bark” when someone tries to access something not allowed.
 It also keeps a log of all the times someone is one the internet, and best of all its free. So if you’d like to make one area of your parenting a teen easier, check it out. Now if they only had a tracking device for when she leaves the house!
 K9 Web Protection is easy-to-use Parental Control and Internet filtering software that helps parents protect their children online. K9 Web Protection has the ability to block adult, porn and other offensive content, prevent spyware infections, and monitor visited sites on any Internet access connection (AOL, MSN, Yahoo, and SBC).
 Based on commercial-grade Web filtering controls from Blue Coat Systems, K9 Web Protection is unique among content filters and it is free for home use. K9 can be configured as a porn blocker, a spyware stopper, a gambling filter or various other configurations based on our 54 Web categories. New features improved UI, added Internet time restrictions, time out settings, and new Web categories.
 Version 3.0.23 has new features improved UI, added Internet time restrictions, time out settings, and new Web categories.
 Click HERE to visit the website. | 
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