News from Around Banderas Bay | September 2006  
Duane 'Dog' Chapman Arrested by Feds
Mark Niesse - Associated Press

| Bounty hunter Duane 'Dog' Chapman, star of the Hawaii-based reality show, 'Dog the Bounty Hunter,' poses in this Jan. 10, 2006, file photo taken on Waikiki Beach, in Honolulu. Chapman and two co-stars on his show were arrested early Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006, in Hawaii on charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in an alleged kidnapping three years ago in Mexico, U.S. Marshals said. (AP/Lucy Pemoni) | TV reality star Duane "Dog" Chapman and two co-stars on his show were arrested Thursday in Hawaii on charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in an alleged kidnapping three years ago in Puerto Vallarta.
 Chapman, son Leland Chapman and associate Timothy Chapman were taken into custody and did not resist arrest, said Mark Hanohano, U.S. Marshal for the district of Hawaii. "It went down without incident," Hanohano said.
 Mona K. Wood, a publicist for the star of the popular cable series "Dog The Bounty Hunter," said Chapman would be vindicated. "He arrests the bad guys — and he is definitely not one of them," she said.
 The charges stem from Chapman's capture of Max Factor heir Andrew Luster on June 18, 2003, in Puerto Villarta, Mexico, said Marshals spokeswoman Nikki Credic in Washington.
 Chapman's capture of Luster, who had fled the country after being convicted of raping three women, catapulted the 53-year-old bounty hunter to fame and led to the reality series on A&E.
 The three are being held in Honolulu. Bail has not been set. They will face an extradition hearing to Mexico under terms of treaties between the U.S. and Mexico, Credic said.
 Chapman's son Leland, 29, and Timothy Chapman, 41, no relation, assist Chapman in exploits chronicled for the TV show around the Hawaiian Islands. The show focuses on Chapman's family as much as the bounty hunting, which generally involves tracking down bail jumpers, often creating emotional scenes with repentant captives.
 Charges have been pending against the three since local police in Mexico arrested them shortly after they roped in Luster. They posted bail but never returned to Puerto Villarta for their court hearing on July 15, 2003, Credic said.
 Mexican authorities demanded that the Chapmans transfer Luster to Mexican police. Their refusal to do so led to their initial arrest.
 A U.S. warrant for their arrest was signed by a federal judge in Honolulu on Wednesday.

| R E A D E R S ' C O M M E N T S
 I'm 68 yrs old, and I think DOG is fantastic... and mighty handsome, too. I say maybe Mexico protects the bad guy because everybody else is trying to get to the U.S. and that makes Mexico look bad. I say that we should send all our rapists to Mexico! The entire Chapman brood are great in my book. I wish he would come to Greenville, Pa so I can meet him. - Dorothy F. I am totally disgusted that Mexico (Puerto Vallarta) arrested Dog, Leland and Jim Chapman. Andrew Luster is a slime ball and should not be protected by Mexico. Forget a lot of Americans visiting Mexico now, we all stand behind the Dog. Now, you are going to see us AMERICANS rally behind Dog and fill your courthouse in Puerto Vallarta. YOU WANT TO MESS WITH THE DOG THEN YOU MESS WITH US. GET READY MEXICO... WE ARE COMING! - Sherry I think the arrest of Dog Chapman is outragous. Dog removed a psycopath from America and Mexico. Luster could have raped women in Mexico if it wasn't for Dog. How does he get rewarded? He gets arrested. What is the Mexican government thinking? The Mexican government should be praising Dog for removing this idiot from their country. God help the Mexican people for having to live in a country that reprimends someone who only helped the people. Luster was definitely someone that the Mexican people would not want in their country. Basicly, Dog helped the Mexican police too, he helped them get a rapist out of their country. - Owner of a Oil Tool Company | 
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