Technology News | September 2006  
Mexican Electoral Officials Post Tally Sheets from Presidential Race on Internet
Associated Press
 Mexico City - The Federal Electoral Institute on Tuesday posted 300 tally sheets from July's disputed presidential election on the Internet in an effort to win back public confidence.
 The publication of the sheets from each of the country's 300 districts, "strengthens the transparency of the electoral process," the institute said in a news release.
 Ruling party candidate Felipe Calderon defeated leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador by less than 0.6 percent in the election — the closest in Mexican history.
 Lopez Obrador has claimed election officials conspired with President Vicente Fox to rig the election, calling them "criminals." He has promised to form a parallel government funded by donations.
 Calderon takes over the presidency on Dec. 1.
 On the Net: http://www.ife.org.mx | 
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