News Around the Republic of Mexico | October 2006  
"Dog" Chapman Mexican Legal Proceedings Stayed
 Sources close to the Duane "Dog" Chapman legal case tell TMZ that the Mexican courts have put a stay on further legal proceedings in the bounty hunter's matter.
 Meanwhile, the reality star's legal team is gathering more evidence as to his actions while in Mexico, and sources tell TMZ that when the evidence is presented, the Mexican court is expected to rule "favorably."
 Chapman's saga began last month when he was arrested along with two cohorts, including his son Leland, in Mexico on charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in connection with his apprenhension of convicted rapist and Max Factor heir Andrew Luster. (Bounty hunting is a crime in Mexico.)
 The Mexican government wanted Chapman extradited to face the charges, which could lead to a prison term of up to four years.
 In an effort to avoid extradition, the "Dog the Bounty Hunter" star offered shortly after his arrest to apologize to Mexico, to pay a fine, to forfeit the bail he posted in the country, and to make a charitable contribution.

| R E A D E R S ' C O M M E N T S
 Dear President Fox:
 I am a young mother from the USA, and I am proud to say that I am the only daughter of someone that I refer to as being "a full-blooded Mexican man." I am writing my comment even though I have no doubt you have heard as much as you have ever probably wanted to hear about Dog the Bounty Hunter.
 Please bear with me a little longer. There have been many statements on the internet that have used words like "demand" and other words, however, I was raised in the old ways where the men showed respect to their women, and fathers did anything to make sure their daughters were safe.
 Although I have never personally met Mr. Chapman, I know that at no time did he mean any disrespect to you or your government. I hope there are those that can understand that at the time this happened, he was only thinking as a father and someone who upholds the law in not only getting a convicted rapist off of your streets but also giving Luster's American victims some much sought-after peace of mind.
 I have much respect for any man that is trying to better the way of life in their cities. All I ask is if there is another way that this can be resolved instead of allowing Luster to destroy more families. - Melissa | 
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