News from Around the Americas | October 2006  
Mexico Urges Bush to Veto U.S. Border Fence Bill

| National Guard construction personel extend a wall along the US border with Mexico in Arizona. The Mexican government said that an additional border security fence that has been approved by the US Congress would "damage" relations between the two countries. (AFP/Robyn Beck) | Mexico pleaded with President Bush on Monday to veto a Senate proposal to build a new fence to keep illegal immigrants out, saying it could backfire by making the border more dangerous.
 The U.S. Senate overwhelmingly backed a bill on Friday to construct about 700 miles of fence, a project Republicans hope will impress voters calling for tougher immigration control ahead of November 7 congressional elections.
 "The Mexican government strongly opposes the building of walls in the border area between Mexico and the United States," President Vicente Fox's spokesman Ruben Aguilar told reporters on Monday.
 "This decision hurts bilateral relations, goes against the spirit of cooperation needed to guarantee security on the common, creates a climate of tension in border communities," he said.
 Aguilar said it would send a diplomatic note to Washington later on Monday urging Bush to veto the bill, which requires the president's signature to become law. | 
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