News Around the Republic of Mexico | January 2007  
Mexico City Government to Help Emigrants
 The municipal government in Mexico City is responding to the plight of paisanos who emigrate to the U.S. and Canada by setting up a support center to handle questions and issues.
 The capital government will, in tandem with 40 organizations in the U.S. and Canada, create a support center for migrants and their families which provides information about their rights and the programs available to them.
 The center is planned to start functioning in February and will provide, via toll-free number, legal counsel, help with documents emitted by the city government, re-routing to government and NGOs that promote immigrant rights, and tracing and reuniting of family members.
 According to Mexico City daily La Jornada, this initiative is part of a new government entity to be called Secretary of Equity for Ethnic Communities and Immigrants (Secretaría de Equidad para las Comunidades Etnicas y del Migrante), which will also focus on helping Mexico City's indigenous populations.
 La Jornada also points out that Mexico City is seventh place in Mexico for the number of its citizens living outside of the country, and fifth place in the amount of money being sent back by immigrants to the region, but up until this point Mexico D.F., unlike other states, did not have a center to handle emigrant issues.
 In contrast, in 2006, Mexico's Secretary of Foreign Affairs charged that Mexico City was in first place with the regard to the number of immigrants to the U.S. | 
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