News Around the Republic of Mexico | January 2007  
Mexican Zapatistas Mark 13th Anniversary
Anuel de la Cruz - Associated Press

 Oventic, Mexico - Thousands of Zapatista rebels on Monday celebrated the 13th anniversary of their brief uprising against the Mexican government, dancing, singing and holding discussions on improving the status of poor Indians in the southern state of Chiapas.
 The ceremonies, which attracted hundreds of foreigners from numerous countries, began Sunday night under the stewardship of Sumcomandante Marcos, the ski-masked, pipe-smoking Zapatista leader.
 Participants saluted the Mexican and Zapatista flags, and held a large dance and ate traditional tamales and coffee in the Zapatistas' base of Oventic, about 460 miles southeast of Mexico City.
 The Zapatistas seized the main city of San Cristobal de las Casas and other Chiapas communities in the name of socialism and Indian rights on Jan. 1, 1994. A cease-fire ended fighting between rebels and government forces after a few days, and the two sides have since maintained an uneasy truce.
 Marcos, who has been identified by the government as a professor-turned-guerrilla, has continued to champion a quieter social revolution from the jungles of Chiapas, issuing missives harshly critical of Mexico's politicians and government policies.
 Speaking in the Indian language of Tzotzil, Marcos recalled on Sunday night how the movement was founded to end the isolation and misery of the Indians.
 It was the first time in many years that Marcos attended anniversary celebrations. He was escorted by several ski-masked members of the Zapatista National Liberation Army.
 On last year's anniversary, Marcos began a nationwide tour in an attempt to forge a national leftist movement. But his talks and tour appearances did not draw large crowds, and he was criticized for straying from his principal cause of fighting for Indian rights after expressing support for violent anti-government protests by unrelated groups. | 
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