The Best J/24 UBS World Event Ever!
 Nuevo Vallarta - Hundreds of the world's best sailors will compete in the 2007 J/24 UBS World Championship being held in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico, March 5th to 9th. World famous Mexican hospitality and spectacular sailing conditions promise to be the hallmark of the largest international sailboat regatta ever held in Mexican waters.
 Since joining the J/24 International Association in 1979, Mexico has grown to 250 affiliates and over 70 active boats. Twenty-four Mexican crews and boats have qualified for places in the competition.
 Registrations have been confirmed from 14 countries, and over 70 boats will participate in the regatta. As well, the Mexican National J/24 Championship will take place March 23rd - 25th, and many of these participant boats will be available locally for charter by international teams.
 This World's competition is the first to use real time, on line, satellite regatta tracking system. Globalstar will provide transponders for each boat, and using their "bent pipe" technology and constellation of 40 Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites, each race can be viewed online at Fans, friends and families all over the world will be cheering for their favorites in each day's race.
 Another first for the World's will be the consistent sailing conditions of Banderas Bay. Warm steady afternoon breezes of 10 to 20 knots off the beaches of Nuevo Vallarta will provide an even platform for the one design J/24s.
 Measurements will be conducted March 1st to 4th at Vallarta Yacht Club in Nuevo Vallarta, hosts for the 2007 competition, which consists of a Practice Race on Sunday, March 4th, and 2 races per day from Monday the 5th to Friday, the 9th.
 The beautiful beaches and resorts of Vallarta Nayarit will provide the backdrop for a great social program including volleyball, fiestas and costume parties.
 The J/24 UBS Worlds is made possible with the generous support of its sponsors which include UBS, the State of Nayarit, Scappino, Globalstar, Paradise Village Hotel, Microsoft, CEO Club, American Express, Comex, Lincoln, North Sail, Kuehne+Nagel and Interlingua.
 For more information, contact Verania Fernandez at or visit "¡El Mejor del Mundo Siempre!" PVNN

Nuevo Vallarta - Los mejores veleristas del mundo se dan cita en las aguas de Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit para disputar el Campeonato Mundial de la Clase J/24.
 La hospitalidad que caracteriza a la gente de nuestro país, aunada a las magníficas condiciones para navegar en Bahía de Banderas y, a una excelente organización, prometen ser el sello de este gran evento que tendrá lugar del 4 al 9 de marzo próximo.
 Gran Bretaña, Alemania, Italia, Suecia, Australia, Japón, Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Bermuda, Perú, Uruguay, EEUU, Canadá y México, con una flota que supera los 70 barcos, participarán en este campeonato que, por primera vez en la historia, tiene lugar en nuestro país.
 La competencia podrá seguirse en línea en tiempo real, ya que cada barco contará con un MODEM para ser rastreado a través de
 Las hermosas playas de Nuevo Vallarta y sus elegantes hoteles crean el marco perfecto para llevar a cabo el evento.
 UBS, El Gobierno del Estado de Nayarit, Scappino, Globalstar, Paradise Village Hotel, Microsoft, CEO Club, American Express, Comex, Lincoln, North Sail, Kuehne+Nagel e Interlingua son los patrocinadores que hacen posible el Campeonato.
 Para más información, contacte Verania Fernandez a o visite |