New Law Supports Violence-Free Lives for Women in Mexico
Ovi - PVNN

| The law, that establishes the types of violence that can happen to woman, will be supported from the integration of a National System that will be included within the 60 following days to take effect. | The decree, that will take effect this Friday, defines that the objective will be to prevent, to sanction and to eradicate the violence against women, besides guaranteeing access to a life without aggression for their development and well-being.
 It indicates that the federation, the states and the municipalities will have to coordinate to design and create instruments, policies, services and actions to guarantee the established concept in this legislation.
 The law, that establishes the types of violence that can happen to woman, will be supported from the integration of a National System that will be included within the 60 following days to take effect.
 In this National System there will participate, among others, the holders of the secretariats of Interior, Social Development, Public Security, The General Office of judge advocate of the Republic, Education and Health.
 Also they will conform the National Council to prevent the discrimination, the DIF and the National Institute of the Women, which will be occupied by the Executive Secretariat of the System.
 The writing establishes that the federal Executive will propose into the Project Budget of Debits of the Federation a part for the System and the programs to apply, in addition of which it will emit the Regulation of the law within 90 days after the publication. |