News Around the Republic of Mexico | March 2007  
Mexican Abortion Proposal Stirs Opposition

| The Press Office of the Bishops’ Conference of Mexico issued a statement this week denouncing the “moral malice of procured abortion” and stating that “both abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.” | The Mexico City Legislature is considering legalizing first-trimester abortions in the capital, which could be the first place in Mexico to allow the practice.
 The city of 8.7 million people is a federal district like Washington, D.C., with its own Legislature.
 The bill is supported by the Leftist Democratic Revolution Party, which holds the mayoralty and a majority in the Legislature, according to the Associated Press. It is heavily opposed by the Catholic church and officials of the conservative National Action Party of President Felipe Calderon, who claim it would violate articles in the Constitution protecting life.
 The College of Catholic Lawyers in Mexico City promised to rally broad opposition.
 “We are going to mobilize Catholics and people of all faiths to take to the streets to defend life,” spokesman Armando Martinez told the Catholic News Agency. “We are going to protest in favor of life, not in favor of the culture of death that some want to promote now. If we have not made them understand through political negotiations, we hope to make them understand on the streets.” Mexican Bishops Call Abortion and Infanticide Abominable Crimes CNA
 Mexico City - The Press Office of the Bishops’ Conference of Mexico issued a statement this week denouncing the “moral malice of procured abortion” and stating that “both abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.”
 The statement comes as the Mexico City legislature is debating “an initiative ‘that would allow abortion during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy’ and would open the door for doctors in the public health care system to use the abortion pill RU-486 to ‘interrupt’ pregnancies.
 The bishops made a “plea for the life of the most defenseless; life that should be absolutely respected and protected from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, the human being should see his rights as a person recognized, including the inviolable right of all innocent beings to life.”
 “The inalienable right to life of all innocent human individuals constitutes a foundational element of civil society and its legislation,” the statement continued. Such rights, it emphasized, “are not subordinate either to individuals or to parents, and neither are they a concession of society or the State. They belong to human nature and are inherent in the person.”
 “Since the first century, the Church has affirmed the moral malice of all procured abortion. This teaching has not changed; it remains invariable. Scientists and health care professionals, legislatures of the committees of Health and Education, and society in general, have the opportunity today to reaffirm a commitment to life,” the press office said. Providing the greatest care for life from the moment of conception is “an essential task of a just and inclusive society,” it stressed. | 
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