Technology News | March 2007  
Mexico May Ban Xbox Game of Border War
Louie Gilot - elpasotimes.com

| Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, or GRAW2 - is being sold in Juárez and elsewhere in the state. | Mexican officials are considering banning the sale of an American video game they say shows Juárez in a bad light.
 Officials at the office of Chihuahua Gov. José Reyes Baeza, said they were investigating where the game - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, or GRAW2 - is being sold in Juárez and elsewhere in the state. Officials are also looking into which companies are distributing the game in Mexico.
 Bernardo Ruiz, the head of the interior department at the state of Chihuahua state, said that the state was considering banning sales of the game.
 GRAW2 takes place in 2014 and has Fort Bliss soldiers battling Mexican rebels in Juárez and fighting to prevent an incursion. The game features panoramic scenes of El Paso and Juárez.
 "The game depicts Juárez and the border as a place where there are terrorists and it is not the case. Juárez is a city where we promote work and where everybody is working to better the city," Ruiz said.
 Ruiz said that his office sent a letter to U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, to ask for his support in denouncing the game. Officials with Reyes could not be reached for comment.
 Earlier this month, the mayor of Juárez, Héctor Murguía, called the game "despicable" for dividing the people of neighboring cities.
 The game was released this month for the Xbox 360 game console.
 Louie Gilot may be reached at lgilot@elpasotimes.com. | 
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