Business News | April 2007  
Warning on IMF Intentions in Mexico
Prensa Latina

| Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador | The recent recommendations given to Mexico by the International Monetary Fund so Mexico can foster reforms in the energy sector only bring prejudices for the country, assured Mexican former presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Saturday.
 Lopez Obrador is now touring several municipalities of the state of Veracruz, and he alerted Mexicans will not allow the Mexican oil goes to the hands of private enterprises, and he stated that if needed, they will paralyze the country if the Mexican government sends a reform initiative to privatize state oil enterprises.
 Responding to a recommendation made by IMF authorities to the government of Felipe Calderon, Lopez Obrador said national goods won't go to private hands.
 He said IMF recommends all that can be prejudicial to Mexicans and that the current economic crisis might be reverted with an authentic transformation of the public life in every order.
 He convoked to protect national economy, defend national patrimony, public education and others.
 Lopez Obrador will conclude his tour on Sunday meeting with the inhabitants of Tlapacoyan, Jalacingo, Altotonga, Villa Aldama, and Perote. | 
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