Major Nude Photoshoot Set for Mexico City
Duane Wells -
 Brooklyn-based photographer Spencer Tunick, who is best known for photographing crowds of nude people around the globe, is hoping to attract his largest crowd of naked subjects ever for a shoot this month in Mexico City's historic Zocalo plaza.
 During a press conference held this past weekend, Tunick expressed his desire that the Mexico City shoot on May 6 surpass even the one he did in 2003 with 7,000 volunteer models in Barcelona. “"This could be my largest work ever,” he told the news conference. “We're really hoping that all eyes will be on Mexico City on May 6 because this could be ... bigger than Barcelona."
 Spencer Tunick first began photographing live nudes in New York City in 1992. Since that time he has completed large scale photoshoots all around the globe in exotic locations like Bruges, Buenos Aires, London, Lyon, Melbourne, Montreal, San Sebastián, São Paulo, Caracas, Newcastle/Gateshead, Vienna, Düsseldorf and Santiago as well as in North American cites like his native New York, Buffalo and Cleveland. Along the way, Tunick has also been the subject of three HBO documentaries, Naked States, Naked World, and Positively Naked and been arrested approximately five times while working outdoors in New York.
 Arrests should not however pose a problem for the Mexico City shoot since the photographer has reportedly obtained all necessary permits from city officials, who, have also already agreed to close the streets surrounding the expansive Zocalo plaza, which measures about the size of about five football fields, on the morning of the shoot. Supposedly the plaza can hold up to 85,000 people standing, offering more than sufficient space for Tunick’s grand nude aspirations.
 "I'm very honored and pleased to announce that my art installation would be at one of the nicest and oldest places in the world, a place of great architecture uniformity," Tunick said of the square which has been at the heart of Mexico City since the 14th century.
 At last published count, over 3,700 participants ready to pose nude for a place in history and a signed photograph, had registered for the shoot, with many, many more expected in the days leading up to May 6.
 Later this summer, after Mexico, Tunick will also have an installation in Amsterdam. For more information, visit: |