News from Around the Americas | May 2007  
Venezuela Condemns Terrorist Release
Prensa Latina
 Caracas - Venezuela joins with a strong voice cries against the US release of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, who walks free on the streets of Miami.
 Venezuela requested the extradition of a criminal that fled jail in Caracas in the 80s during his probe for the bombing of a Cuban civilian plane in 1976 with 73 people aboard.
 Posada Carriles walked free after Judge Kathleen Cardone rejected the evidence for his trial in El Paso, Texas, for seven counts of emigration fraud.
 Venezuelan ministers, legislators and social organizations are furious with the verdict.
 Chavez denounced Posada Carriles release Wednesday, and called the world to demand justice against "the assassin and torturer." The statesman even forecasted that many voices will rise, even among the US people, against the criminal s release.
 Venezuela reaffirmed the extradition request that the US has so far ignored and will submit the case to the UN Counter-Terrorism Commission and other international bodies.
 Perez Roque said the terrorist is free because Washington refuses to try him for his attacks on Cuba, Nicaragua and Operation Condor, when he was on the CIA payroll.
 Venezuelan Parliament Chairman Cilia Flores condemned Wednesday the release of Posada Carriles, whom she called a threat for humanity as torturer and assassin, with no remorse for killing.
 The terrorist s release will be the motive of protest convened in Caracas by the Latin American Parliament and similar actions by organizations of solidarity with Cuba. | 
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