News from Around the Americas | May 2007  
Thirty Three Arrested Protesting War as Part of 'Mother of a March'
Kevin Zeese - OpEdNews.com

| Peace activist Cindy Sheehan, joins various anti-war groups during an anti-war demonstration in front of the White House in Washington, Monday, May 14, 2007. (AP/Ron Edmonds) | Peace moms Cindy Sheehan and Tina Richards among them.
 After rallying in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House more than 250 anti-war advocates marched through Washington, DC to Capitol Hill. When they reached the Cannon House Office Building they formed two circles blocking the street to all traffic.
 The demonstration was the "Mother of a March" spearheaded by Cindy Sheehan whose son died in Iraq. The march kicked off a "Summer of Action" where anti-war demonstrators will SWARM on Congress from today until June 31 advocating an end to the war. Numerous speakers urged peace voters to put "peace before partisanship" as thus far the Democrats have not lived up to the mandate of the voters who elected them to end the war.
 Tina Richards, a Marine Mom, whose son served two tours of duty in Iraq and now has been found by the VA to be 80% disabled, said the purpose of the SWARM is to "bring citizen pressure on Congress so that they fulfill the mandate of the American voters who put the Democrats in power to end the war."
 As the demonstrators marched up Independence Avenue they chanted "Stop the Funding, Stop the War – Mothers Say, Not One More." At the Department of the Justice Department the crowd stopped with Cindy Sheehan making an impromptu speech pointing out the crimes of the Bush administration, e.g. allowing torture of prisoners, spying on Americans, loss of habeas corpus, and the firing of U.S. Attorneys. In front of the Cannon House Office Building the demonstrators formed two circles of peace with 33 refusing to move from the center of the street when ordered by the police. In the middle of the two circles was an American flag flying at half mast.
 As the 33 were arrested the crowd chanted "Arrest George Bush" and "Stop the Funding, Stop the Killing." Rev. Lennox Yearwood, who was also arrested, pointed out that from the time the crowd marched from the White House to Capitol Hill two more U.S. soldiers were reported dead.
 For information on the SWARM visit www.GrassRootsAmericaForUs.org www.DemocracyRising.US and www.VotersForPeace.US.
 Kevin Zeese is Director of DemocracyRising.US and a co-founder of VotersForPeace.US. | 
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