Business News | May 2007  
New Study Says Stay at Home Mom's "Worth" Almost 140K
Kimberly Greene - Salary.com
 With Mother's Day just around the corner, a new study shows some very interesting facts about stay at home mothers and mothers who work out of the home.
 The new study/online survey conducted by Salary.com took the responses from 26,000 stay at home moms, and 14,000 moms that work out of the home to comprise a new look of what mothers would earn if they were paid for all that they do.
 The survey gave stay at home moms and mothers that work out of the home a pay increase from last year at the rate of 3%. Last year the same study came to the conclusion that Mothers would make an average of $134,121 a year for all that they do. This year with the "pay increase" Mothers should according to the survey make an average of $138,095 a year for the work they put into a household, and family. A Mother who works out of the home had an additional $85,939 added to the $138,095. That is if she holds down a full time job on top of her at home duties. Which means that a Mother who works full time outside of the home should on average be making $224,034 a year!
 The study considers the following for the above-mentioned earnings. The main aspects are housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist. The numbers are based on the average Mom putting in 92 hours a week. That is a 40 an hour a week pay with time and a half for the 52 hours overtime.
 I am sure some stay at homers, and some mothers that work out of the home would say that the amount of $138,095 a year would not even come close to covering what they do. If you add in full time nurse, part time doctor, banker, along with many others then the average of $138,095 a year would increase dramatically. Even the amount of $224,034 a year with the increase of $85,939 a year for a mother that works outside of the home is not even getting it close.
 This study shows much more then just what a Mother should earn whether she is a full time stay at home mother or a mother that works out of the home. It shows that Mothers are highly under appreciated and highly overlooked. If you think back to everything a Mother does, all the sacrifices that they make for the good of the family, and all of the real work that goes into being a woman and mother today, then there truly is no amount you can set on that. The amounts mentioned above are a way, I'm sure most of us can agree that are being used to give people an idea of how hard Mothers really work, and to help others recognize all that Mothers do. When you get down to it and think about all of this, there truly is no amount that could compensate a Mother for her work, and the thinking of a Mother will ever be compensated monetarily for all that she does is far fetched at best.
 The best compensation for this Mother and many others is the "simple" fact that our children grow up to be well-rounded young adults, and adults. That we know we did our best for and by them. That they someday appreciate all that we did to make their lives better and easier. The memories we make each day we teach our children something new. The light in their eyes when they finally get how to do something, which they've worked hard to accomplish. That is all the payment most Mothers need.
 Do not get me wrong the article about the survey done by Salary.com is a wonderful thought and a wonderful way to put things into prospective. However, by no means is it a look of what a Mother is truly worth, and it is not a real look of what a Mother that works out of the home really earns to help her family for the most part.
 Just remember to appreciate your Mother or the Mother figure in your life. Thank her on a daily basis for everything she does for you and the family. Be sure to hold your Mother on the highest thoughts in your day, and always remember how hard she really worked to help you in your life.
 More resources
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070502/us_nm/work_mothers_dc | 
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