News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2007  
Puerto Vallarta ATM Users - Beware of Fraud!

| Tips from The Tribune:
 Identity theft, internet scams, and credit card fraud are rampant worldwide these days and Puerto Vallarta is not immune, so please remember:
 • Your card cannot be used without a PIN. Shield your PIN - even if no one else is around. Protect yourself from fraudsters who may be looking over your shoulder or watching from behind a hidden camera.
 • Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid being distracted by individuals who want to chat or offer help. If someone is too close, ask him/her to back up and give you privacy. If you ever feel uncomfortable or notice anything out of the ordinary, walk away and either notify the police, or the bank manager if during business hours.
 • PLEASE be very careful. In addition, we recommend that you check your bank account often to ensure that no fraudulent withdrawals have occurred. | Over the last month, a number of credit and debit card holders have reported that fraudulent withdrawals have been made to their accounts after using Banamex, HSBC, Banorte and other ATMs in Puerto Vallarta and around the Bay of Banderas.
 If you use Automatic Teller Machines, especially those on Olas Altas in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta and those in Paradise Village in Nuevo Vallarta, you run the risk of having your credit card "maxed out," or worse, your bank account emptied.
 Sometimes, the withdrawals don’t happen until weeks after you've used the ATM. People with Banamex cards have even reported having funds withdrawn from their accounts at ATMs in the USA. Others have reported that multiple ATM transactions had been made on the same business day - exceeding the daily withdrawal limit by two or more times.
 If you must use your ATM card, banks and local authorities are recommending that you only use your card in machines that are in, or connected to, a bank building.
 If you have used your ATM card at a "stand-alone" ATM lately, be sure to check your bank account often to ensure that no fraudulent withdrawals have occurred. If you are the victim of such a fraud, you should immediately report it to the bank that issued your card, cancel your card and request a replacement.
 In many cases, local banks require an official report from the local Attorney General’s Office Ministerio Publico - Procuraduría General, located across from the Corona factory near the Puerto Vallarta International Airport, before they will reimburse your funds.
 If you don't speak Spanish, the Ministerio Publico has an English speaking staff that can help you fill out the statement - but you should call (322) 221-1431 or 222-2443 first to make an appointment. (Don't forget to take your FM-3 or passport, proof of residence and a copy of your bank statement showing the fraudulant charges with you.)
 If you need help setting up an appointment with the Procuraduria General, US citizens can contact American Consular Agent Kelly Trainor by calling (322) 222-0069 or 293-0074, or by sending an email to consularagentpvr@prodigy.net.mx. Canadian citizens should notify PV’s Honorary Consul of Canada, Lyne Benoit, at 293-0098/99 or via email at vallarta@canada.org.mx.
 The consulates will help you set up an appointment with the Procuraduria General in order to fill out the statement that will enable the authorities to deal with the matter.
 We have also been told that filing a police report makes getting the bank to replace your funds much easier and possibly quicker. A local attorney, Alejandro Gomez, recommends filing a Denuncia Colectiva saying that the banks will pay much more attention to that than a single Denuncia.
 For a small fee, you can be part of the class action claim he is filing. For more information call Alex at: (office) 322-293-4665 or (cel) 044-322-779-6046. Speak to him slowly and clearly in English, or in Spanish if you can.
 That said, Banamex has acknowledged that there is a problem... and have agreed to reimburse fraud victims in 10 to 14 days, pending their "investigation." | 
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