News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2007  
Mexico Meets Tex-Mex at Galeria Octavio

| Galeria Octavio Arte en Bronce welcomes abstract Mexican painter Jose Alvarez C. and Tex-Mex rocker Joe King Carrasco on Saturday, July 28th from 8-10 pm. | On July 28th, renowned local sculptor Octavio Gonzalez welcomes abstract Mexican painter Jose Alvarez C. and Tex-Mex rocker Joe King Carrasco to his alternative art gallery in downtown Puerto Vallarta, Galeria Octavio.
 Puerto Vallarta's well recognized Mexican sculptor Octavio Gonzalez has opened his alternative gallery to artists of all mediums. Presenting a continual exhibition of his own bronzes and new pieces regularly, this month he is planning a very special event.
 On July 28th, Octavio will be hosting a cocktail reception for the opening of a new exhibit by Jose Alvarez C., an Mexican abstract painter with more than 25 years experience in painting and exhibiting.
 Having grown up in Mexico City under the influence of his father, who also painted, Jose Alvarez C. has participated in various group and individual exhibitions. His works have been displayed at La Torre de Pemex-Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, at the Hotel Radisson since 2004, and now he is opening his first exposition in Puerto Vallarta at Galeria Octavio Arte en Bronce.
 As most of you know, Galeria Octavio is the only Puerto Vallarta art gallery that continues the tradition of celebrating the opening of new art exhibitions by hosting cocktail receptions throughout the summer season.
 On the last Saturday of every month, Octavio hosts a captivating evening of culture, cocktails and camaraderie - complete with live music - for your entertainment. This month he will be presenting Joe King Carrasco.
 A native to Texas, Joe King has devoted his career to recreating the Tex/Mex rock and roll sound from the 1960's. In 1979, Joe formed the group "The Crowns" and his music "Nuevo Wavo." These days, Joe's work has turned increasingly political, making it harder to find in the US. But Joe is now living and playing here in Vallarta. Don't miss his performance on the 28th of July at Galeria Octavio Arte en Bronce. Arte y Musica en Galeria Octavio
 Hola Amigos, uno de los reconocidos sculptors Vallartenses, ha abierto su galeria alternativa para los artistas de todos medios, con un exhibicion continua de las esculpturas en bronce de Octavio Gonzalez con nuevas piezas regularmente.
 Este mes tenemos un evento especial. Jose Alvarez C. artista abstracto con mas de 25 años pintando y exhibiendo. Jose crecio en la ciudad de Mexico con la influencia de su padre que tambien pinto.
 Jose Alvarez C. ha tiendo varias exhibiciones en grupo y 3 individuales, La Torre de Pemex-Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo y desde el 2004 a la fecha el la Hotel Radisson. Este es su primero exhibición en Vallarta en Galeria Octavio Arte en Bronce.
 Y para tu gusto musical vamos a presentar Joe King Carrasco, nativo de Texas, quien ofrecio en su carrera recrear el Tex/Mex rock and roll sonido de los 60's. En 1979 Joe formo el grupo "The Crowns" y su musica "Nuevo Wavo."
 La musica de Joe se he turnado de protesta politica y su trabajo se ha hecho difícil encontrar. Por lo pronto Joe esta viviendo en Puerto Vallarta y estar tocando el 28 de Julio en la Galeria Octavio Arte en Bronce.

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