So You Want To Be a Star?
T.J. Hartung - PVNN

| If, for some reason, you can´t come to the casting call, but are interested in participating in these or future shows, send an email to | Two theater groups will be holding a joint casting call, looking for talented individuals who would like to be part of the Puerto Vallarta theater scene. The casting call dates are Thursday, Oct. 4, Friday Oct. 5, both at 5 pm, and Saturday, Oct. 6 at Noon. The location is the Cecatur theater in downtown, which is 2 blocks up the hill from the Burger King at the central plaza, or 3 blocks up the hill from Starbucks.
 The kinds of talent needed includes: actors and actresses, singers and dancers, plus support assistants from artists, set designers and builders, choreographers, costume designers, hair and makeup specialists, dressing assistants, light and sound assistants, and back stage help. Prior theater experience not necessary.
 Starting the end of November, these groups will be doing 3 different shows. The first is a musical revue of Rock & Roll music from the 50´s. The second show is a Christmas play, a comedy with a few musical numbers. The third show is a back stage farce about two slightly-over-the-hill actors, and their hilarious experiences.
 If, for some reason, you can´t come to the casting call, but are interested in participating in these or future shows, send an email to |