News from Around the Americas | September 2007  
Join in the First Annual Take Moms, Wives and Daughters to Golf Month
Scott Pierson - PVNN

| September 2007 kicks-off Take Our Moms, Wives and Daughters To Golf Month. | Milford, Connecticut - September 2007 kicks-off the first annual Take Our Moms, Wives and Daughters To Golf Month. This new national event is designed to rally interest among women across the country to learn and realize the benefits that golf brings to social and business success.
 Golfers everywhere are encouraged to introduce the game to the women in their life. This year’s campaign will include resources for getting started and incentives for newcomers. Proceeds will benefit the Executive Women’s Golf Association (EWGA) Foundation, a non-profit organization, which develops golf education and leadership programs for women.
 “Why not give golf a try? The social and business benefits far outweigh any embarrassment while learning,” said Joan Cavanaugh, President of the EWGA Foundation. A special membership incentive to join the EWGA is also available during the month. Complete program details are available at www.momswhogolf.com.
 Started by co-founder of Moms Who Golf, Scott Pierson, the month-long program provides companies in the golf industry a free website to announce special incentives for women newcomers.
 This first-ever Online Directory for Golfing Newcomers is available to golf instructors, golf courses, manufacturers, women organizations and golf resorts to post incentives for women golfers such as introductory greens fees, free golf lessons or discounted accommodations. “We anticipate that over 25,000 women will play for the first time in September,” Pierson said. Companies can sign-up at http://www.momswhogolf.com/dirsignup.html.
 Last year, Pierson introduced the game of golf to his then 83-year old mother, Dorothy Pierson, and discovered that she was willing and eager to take up the sport as an octogenarian. “So, it’s never too late,” said Pierson who will donate 15% of the proceeds to the EWGA Foundation.
 Current golfers who visit the program’s website may “take the challenge” by sending e-mail invitations to women to invite them to play and urge them to learn the sport of golf. By doing so, both will receive an instant 10% discount on all products from the Moms Who Golf website in September.
 Twenty years ago, it was a rare sight to see a woman swinging a nine iron on the golf course. Today, women account for over one-quarter of adult golfers in the U.S. -- an estimated 7 million female golfers. The women's golf market has become a $1 billion worldwide business. The number of women golfers in the U. S. is growing much faster than men’s golf, according to the National Golf Foundation.
 Women golfers come to golf older than men but stay with the sport longer. According to the National Golf Foundation, the average age of women golfers is 45, while the average age of men is 44. The median age of avid women golfers is 56. Thirty-seven percent of women golfers are fifty or older, compared to 32% for men.
 "The women's market has emerged as a true bright spot for the sport," noted a recent report on the women's golf market in the U.S. by the Golf Digest Companies' Research Resource Center. "Increasing numbers of women are adopting golf as a vehicle to mesh social, recreational and career development needs."
 The growing popularity of golf among women is evident now and in the future:
 • Attendance at LPGA events is significantly up. • Title IX (1978 Federal legislation that established equal female sport opportunities in schools and colleges) has changed how girls play sports. • Golf's "value-proposition" that "golf is good" for working women (career and friends) still holds true. • Baby-boomers are retiring and will have more free time for leisure ... and golf.
 About the EWGA and the EWGA Foundation
 The Executive Women’s Golf Association Foundation is a 501 C 3 not-for-profit organization formed and supported by the Executive Women’s Golf Association. Its mission is to develop premier golf education and leadership development programs for women of all ages. Over the past five years, EWGA Chapters and the EWGA Foundation have donated over $300,000 to LPGA-USGA Girls Golf.
 Since the EWGA was started in 1991, more than 85,000 women have benefited from membership in the organization which is dedicated to providing opportunities to learn, play and enjoy the game of golf for business and for life. The EWGA is headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, FL and has more than 120 Chapters throughout the US and Canada. For more information see www.ewga.com.
 About Moms Who Golf
 Moms Who Golf is the first online gift company of its kind for female golfers. This web-based business is an advocate for women’s golf, a resource site for new golfers and a purveyor of fine women’s golf fashions and accessories. Moms Who Golf sponsors women’s golfing events and fundraisers by providing items for pin prizes at no charge and discount coupons for league members and tournament participants. The business is currently involved with Rally for a Cure and Executive Women’s Golf Association events throughout the country.
 Moms Who Golf features “hundreds of hard-to-find golf gift items at reasonable prices,” said Pierson. The website www.momswhogolf.com stocks an array of golf-themed gifts with a feminine flair, including: hats, golf accessories, glassware, prints and frames, jewelry and golf-themed greeting cards.
 For more information about Take Our Moms, Wives and Daughters to Golf Month, call 203-283-4080 or email scott@momswhogolf.com. You can also visit www.momswhogolf.com. | 
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