News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2007  
Becas Breakfast Wakes Up the Malecón
Peter Gray - PVNN

| Becas Breakfast at Restaurant Vitea on the Malecón | 
| MC at the Breakfast, Carlos Fregoso | 
| Cheo Rangel Getting Help Drawing the Winning Raffle Ticket | 
| Another Happy Raffle Winner | Early morning strollers on the Malecón this week heard an unaccustomed sound that sent passing pelicans swerving nervously out to sea. What could it be? The first of the season's Becas Vallarta's breakfasts is what it was!
 Over a hundred voices raised in joyous greetings and swapping the latest gossip echoing happily from the Vitea restaurant. Relative quiet only lasted for the time that an excellent breakfast plate of scrambled eggs, beans and a delicious chicken crepe was served, following up an ample supply of sweet rolls, orange juice and unlimited coffee.
 Watching the scene, it occurred to me that the instruction to "Love thy Neighbor" was working here on two levels. Most obviously, this was a group of people that cared and respected each other. The bonds of friendship ran strongly amongst them.
 At a deeper level, there was the sense of common values and purpose that Becas Vallarta provides. The satisfaction of being part of an altruistic cause that, year after year, has provided scholarships for hundreds of bright but needy kids. It is cooperation at the personal level that grows to finally shape the life of the community.
 One simple piece of evidence that this was a morning where everyone was prepared to linger was that, at the close of the event when the lucky raffle winners were announced, every one of the winners was still around to claim their prize. That doesn't always happen!
 Thanks are due to Bernhard Guth and Ulf Henriksson for giving the Becas Breakfasts a great send off. The next in the series will be held on Tuesday, November 27th at La Hacienda Restaurant. Becas Vallarta is expecting an even greater turn-out since many more winter visitors will have arrived in town by then.
 Tickets can be obtained by calling Buri Gray at 221-5285, Polly Vicars at 223-1371 or Mariel Fregoso at 221-0789. | 
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