News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2007  
As Time Goes By...

| In their continuing effort to deliver culinary excellence, the NH Krystal Vallarta is changing with the times. After 19 years, Bogart's Restaurant will be closing its doors on October 20th to make way for a whole new dining experience. | Once upon a time, among the mosques of the most fascinating and exotic place in Northern Africa, a man met his past, a woman her present... and a love song was born.
 Thus, Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart immortalized the most intense and unfortunate pair of lovers in movie history, giving rise to the best melodrama ever filmed in Hollywood: Casablanca.
 This fascinating film of the 40's inspired the creation of Bogart's, a fine dining restaurant that evokes the romance and adventure of this passionate story in an ambience of privilege and pampering that recreates the elegance and distinction of times past.
 The dream that was Bogart's was first realized in 1986, when the maiden restaurant opened its doors in Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo. It was such a success that when the second restaurant was inaugurated in Cancun in 1987, plans were already underway to build a third in Puerto Vallarta.
 On December 3rd, 1988, Bogart's Puerto Vallarta opened its doors with all of the glory and glamour you'd expect for the inauguration of such a majestic restaurant. Every detail was carried out by the attentive staff in a manner befitting one of the most important events of the decade in the state of Jalisco.
 The guest list included some of the state and country's highest authorities and the ribbon was cut by Francisco Rodriguez Gomez, who was the acting Jalisco State Governor now that Enrique Álvarez Del Castillo had assumed his position in the Attorney General's Office of Mexico.
 And that's how a new phase of gastronomic excellence came to be in Puerto Vallarta. A theme restaurant, the likes of which had never been never seen before, Bogart's brought a new concept of excellence in service and attention to detail to the Puerto Vallarta restaurant scene, one that encouraged a sense of decadent ease - especially for the ladies.
 Though named for Humphrey Bogart, the male lead of Casablanca, the restaurant became famous for putting the ladies on "center stage." From the removal of their shoes to a cushion for their feet, a throne-like Peacock chair and special attention to their every whim, the ladies were given "the royal treatment."
 Add to that live piano music, interior decoration that not only created an exotic and romantic atmosphere but also an intoxicating aura of Arabian nights, and Bogart's was THE place for intimate and romantic dinners - not to mention the ultimate venue for engagement, wedding and anniversary celebrations.
 As Bogart's offered the perfect combination of atmosphere, elegance and distinction for an unforgettable proposal, countless engagements were celebrated every February 14th throughout the restaurant's 19 year history in Puerto Vallarta.
 In their continuing efforts to ensure the satisfaction of their guests the NH Krystal Vallarta is changing with the times, so after many glorious years of serving Puerto Vallarta residents and visitors alike, Bogart's will close its door on October 20, 2007.
 In keeping with their motto, an "Eye for Detail," the NH Krystal will use the location to introduce a new dining concept that will raise the bar for the restaurant and hotel industry, not only in Puerto Vallarta, but on a worldwide scale.
 So, as we say goodbye to one of the most successful restaurants Puerto Vallarta has ever known, we can look forward to experiencing the next phase of gastronomic excellence the Hotel NH Krystal has in stores for us.
 The management and staff at Bogart's wishes to thank all of the friends and clients who they have had the pleasure of serving since 1998, and look forward to offering you the same personal attention, culinary excellence, elegance and distinction you've come to expect from the restaurants at The NH Krystal Puerto Vallarta.
 Offering warm Mexican hospitality and attentive service, the NH Krystal Vallarta is like a typical Mexican town. Situated on 32 acres in the hotel zone of Puerto Vallarta, the hotel is ideally located on the best beach in Vallarta, so guests can enjoy the privacy of this luxurious resort that features five restaurants serving Mexican, Japanese, Argentine and International cuisines; a variety of quality shops and markets offering typical Mexican handicrafts; over 40 bubbling fountains, 3 giant swimming pools and two swim-up bars; two tennis and two racket-ball courts; a Convention Center, nightly entertainment and fun-filled theme parties. For more information call 52 [322] 224-0202 or visit NH-Hotels.com. Con el Paso del Tiempo... PVNN
 Hace algún tiempo, en las mezquitas del lugar más fascinante y exótico del norte de África se entrelazaron un hombre con su pasado, una mujer con su presente... y una melodía de amor.
 Ingrid Bergman y Humphrey Bogart inmortalizaron así a la pareja de amantes quizá más intensa y desafortunada en la historia del cine, dando forma al mejor melodrama jamás filmado en Hollywood: Casablanca.
 Bogart´s, es un ambiente que recrea esa atmósfera de romance y aventura, es el lugar para evocar aquella apasionante historia y, porqué nó? Para dar rienda suelta a su propia fantasía mientras disfrutan las delicias y especialidades de la alta cocina internacional.
 Así nace la idea en Ixtapa Zihuatanejo en el año 1986 de crear una lugar con las mismas características de esta fascinante película de los años 30, con mucho éxito se hace realidad, en 1987 se construye Bogart's Cancún, ya con la idea de abrir puertas en Puerto Vallarta, y esto se hace realidad el 3 de diciembre de 1988.
 Con todo el glamour se lleva a cabo la inauguración de este majestuoso restaurante, todos los detalles fueron cuidados por el personal, no debía haber errores, fue el acontecimiento mas importante de la década en el estado, estuvieron como invitados altas autoridades del estado y del país, el listón Inaugural fue cortado por el gobernador del estado Francisco Rodriguez Gomez, que estaba de gobernador interino, ya que el Sr. Enrique Álvarez Del Castillo había asumido la Procuraduría General de La Republica.
 Así se daba el inicio de una nueva etapa de la gastronomía en Puerto Vallarta, un restaurante tema, no visto en el Puerto, Bogart's fue Pilar de nuevos retos de servicio y detalles, el restaurante Bogart's se caracterizaba porque las damas eran el centro de la atención, a la llegada les quitaban los zapatos y les ponían un cojín en los pies, su silla pavo real dando el aire característico de una reina, las damas eran el centro de atención, el mínimo capricho era orden hacia cual empleado de Bogart's, cuantos compromisos matrimoniales se llevaron a cabo en Bogart's, son incontables, en los 19 años de Bogart's, todos los 14 de febrero eran especiales, era el lugar de expresión máxima del amor, esta era esperada por todos los novios para crear los compromisos de su vida.
 Juntos pasamos los años gloriosos de Bogart's, hoy inicia una nueva etapa Hotel NH Krystal Vallarta esta evolucionado este cambio ofrecerá otros conceptos que nuestros clientes en su momento disfrutaran por que siempre estamos pensando en el detalle, pensando en nuestros clientes, tal ves hoy nos llegue la nostalgia y tal vez pensemos porque cambio Bogart's, pero cuando veamos los nuevos conceptos, comprenderemos que los tiempos cambian que todo tiene un ciclo y que el termino de uno llego para Bogart´s este 20 de Octubre cerrara sus puertas para abrir otras con un nuevo ciclo esperamos que como en aquel lejano 3 de diciembre de 1988, logremos la preferencia de ustedes nuestros clientes.
 Gracias Puerto Vallarta, Gracias a Nuestros Clientes y Amigos, los detalles y el servicio son parte del ser Humano y eso no cambia, cuando regresemos tengan la seguridad de que cada uno de ustedes estará en buenas manos estará bien atendido por el personal que fue formado por Bogart's.
 Gracias, Personal de Bogart's | 
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