News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2007  
Trattoria Angelo Opens in Puerto Vallarta
William Michael - PVNN

| Robert Dry of ADLB & Michel Pascal Ferrari of Trattoria Angelo | 
| Dee Rinvet of Dee’s Coffee, Linda Millar, Mikki Burnell, XocoDiva | 
| Local Traveling Musicians | Puerto Vallarta - Trattoria Angelo opened last Saturday night to a restaurant filled with local supporters. Without the need for grand fanfare, the restaurant, through word of mouth, had almost every table filled with local business owners that were out to support the new guy in town. Michele, a recent transplant from Switzerland brings his Epicurean talent to Zona Romantica.
 Robert of Administradora de La Bahia brought his partner, William Michael of Timothy Fuller & Associates. They enjoyed their favorite outside corner table. Robert & Michael were accompanied by Alta Velser, the previous owner of Angelo’s and Hans King of world renowned fame. Robert & Michael’s daughter, Stephanie, presented the new restaurant owner, Michele with a fish from Los Muertos pier.
 Ted Fuller, head of Administradora de La Bahia and Timothy Fuller & Associates, enjoyed his dinner inside the air conditioned restaurant. Dee, of Dee’s Coffee, shared her table with supporters and the owners of Xocodiva Artisan Chocolates. Len, owner of Blu’s Hair Salon, congratulated Michele with a dazzling smile.
 Regular restaurant goers and tourist filled out the rest of the tables. Trattoria Angelo is truly an international meeting place with diners from around the world. English, French, Spanish and Sign Language was spoken by many of the attendees.
 The menu included Octopus caught fresh from the bay. There were vegetables available from a local organic garden. As you would expect, there was plenty of delicious pasta cooked to order. After a brief rain, the air was fresh and delightful. Strolling musicians entertained the dinner guests.
 Trattoria Angelo is located at the South East corner of Olas Altas and Rodolfo Gomez and boasts a full bar. We wish Michele good luck in his restaurant future.

| Alta Velser of Angelo’s and Michel Pascal Ferrari of Trattoria Angelo |
| XocoDiva |
Born in Denver, CO, William Michael has called Puerto Vallarta home for more than five years. Drawing on his twenty years experience in Real Estate, William Michael has consistently been a Top Producer. You can contact William Michael at WilliamMichael@TimothyFuller.com | 
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