News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2007  
2nd Becas Vallarta Breakfast a Sell-Out!
Peter Gray - PVNN
 Last month, the first in a series of monthly breakfasts in aid of the Becas charity was a great success. The proof of the pudding, though, was whether the second one would be equally successful. If it was, Becas would know it had a winner. Happily for all concerned, the breakfast at the Hacienda restaurant was a smash hit - a complete sell-out.
 The 120 plus attendees were happy to be mixing among a crowd of elegant people (despite the early hour.) Almost all of them found places on the flower-laden patio (better to come a little early for the best tables.) Everyone enjoyed greeting old friends and making new ones.
 The Becas scholarship program gets support equally among the local and expat communities. This has a very positive value in helping to forge links between the two communities. An example of how this works came at the moment that a check for $10,000 Canadian dollars gifted by Isabel and David Manore from Toronto, Canada was presented to Mariel Fregoso, the President of Becas.
 The Manore's are the owners of the boutique hotel, Casa Isabel, in the Romantic Zone. But they continue working for Becas during the months they spend in Toronto and this check was the result of their efforts up north.
 Isn't there something heart-warming about Canadians in faraway Toronto lending a hand in helping to pay for the education of smart kids from poor homes here in Puerto Vallarta?
 After breakfast, there were a host of raffle prizes and four surprise gifts for the lucky ones who found a Becas logo taped to the bottom of their chairs. Carlos Fregoso handled the raffling of prizes, abetted by José (Cheo) Rangel.
 Recognizing the demands of the Christmas season on all of us, there will not be a breakfast in December. The next breakfast will be at the La Palapa Restaurant on January 22nd, 2008. And the one after that will be on February 26th, at Le Bistro Restaurant.
 Learning from the Hacienda experience, one needs to reserve tickets well in advance. You can call Mariel Fregoso at 221-0789, Polly Vicars at 223-1371 or Buri Gray at 221-5285 for tickets and information.

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