News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2007  
December Breakfast Club
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

Click image to enlarge | | I know - I cannot believe that it will soon be December and holiday events! But it is time to mark your calendars for the December Breakfast Club!
 This little gathering has turned in to a very popular event with a lot of people networking, making new friends and business associates, renewing old friendships & sharing information!
 We have outgrown our space, once again, so December's group will be held at Boca Bento, Basilio Badillo #180, on December 7th at 10 am.
 I would like to invite those of you that have any items to sell to bring them - perhaps you make jewelry, cookies, some type of handicraft - just about anything - let me know and we will make arrangements for you to have a small table there. Money is yours to keep. (Think holiday purchases!)
 I would ask that each person attending bring one-some of the following items for the New Teen Pregnancy program being sponsored by DIF, (Social Services) and New Life Mexico.
 They are in desperate need of the following:

• Deodorant • Soap • Combs • Toothbrushes • Face cloths • Shampoo
 For Baby Layettes: • Baby powder • Newborn diapers • Receiving blankets • Hooded baby towels • Teething rings
 And if anyone out there knits, we are always looking for size newborn to 3 months knitted booties, hats and clothing.
 Please! Please! Please! RSVP for the Breakfast! We hope to see you there!
 For more information, or to learn more about the services provided by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, please call Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pmt15@hotmail.com. | 
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