News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2007  
Play and Dine With The Navy League
Peter Gray - PVNN

| The Navy League's Annual Toys for Tots Golf Scramble and Gala Dinner will take place on Sunday, December 9th. Tickets will be going fast, so buy yours today. | 
| The Navy League's Annual Toys for Tots Golf Scramble is the most light-hearted golfing event of the year - in support of a very worthy cause. | 
| A new program that the Navy League started this year is the provision of childrens' playgrounds in poor areas. | 
| The Navy League plays host to visiting naval ships and organizes work parties to renovate and repair schools, orphanages and homes for disabled people. | One of the most popular social events of the season is coming up fast. That, of course, is the Navy League's Annual Toys for Tots Golf Scramble and Gala Dinner. The date to keep open in your agenda is Sunday, December 9th. Tickets will be going fast, so we advise you to get yours quickly.
 A word about the Golf Scramble. This is the most light-hearted golfing event of the year. Very few participants have a prayer of winning, but that does not prevent them from feeling like champions, since they are playing in support of a very worthy cause. And, to make sure every one has a chance of winning, there is a prize for the foursome who achieves the honor of coming in last place.
 The Gala Dinner, hosted by the Marriott Hotel, is always an occasion where good food and drink combine with abundant high spirits to give the evening its special warmth.
 The Navy League is one of the most dynamic charities in Puerto Vallarta and its achievements over the past few years have earned it an impressive reputation not only across Mexico but also across North America as a whole.
 Among its social activities is a major role in the annual "Toys For Tots" toy distribution to poor children around the whole of Banderas Bay. (Next happening on January 7th, 2008.)
 A new program that started this year is the provision of childrens' playgrounds in poor areas. Two playgrounds have been opened with the support of the City government and the local communities involved in La Aurora and the small village of Guamichil in neighboring Nayarit. A third has been completed in San Estaban, though not yet officially inaugurated.
 The Navy League plays host to visiting naval ships and organizes work parties from among visiting crews who dedicate a day of their leave to working on renovation and repairs of schools, orphanages and homes for disabled people, among others.
 The Navy League is also working with the local Mexican Navy on providing English translations for all the commentaries and captions in the Navy Museum downtown. From this brief overview you can see that there are opportunities for all sorts of talents to exercise themselves through membership of the Navy League.
 Membership is open to all that want to do something special for the local community and especially for children. Meetings are held regularly on the first Tuesday of each month, at the Marriott Hotel. Just turn up and you will be given a warm welcome - and a coffee and sweet roll!
 Contact Dusty Graham at 221-1639 for information on ticket purchasing for the Golf Scramble and Gala Dinner and any other information on the Navy League. | 
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