Mexican Internet User Base Estimated At 20.8 Mln - Study
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 Of Mexican homes at end-March 2007, 22.1 percent had one or more computers, up around two-fold vs December 2001, according to a study by Inegi, Mexico's national institute of statistics, geography and IT.
 Of homes, 12.3 percent had an internet connection, and it is estimated that there are 20.8 million internet users in Mexico.
 Of homes, 73 percent had a phone service.
 There were 30.5 million computer users at end-March, up over two-fold vs December 2001.
 Of computer users, 63 percent were aged 12-34, and 47.6 percent were women and 52.4 percent men.
 Of internet homes, one in two have broadband.
 Of internet users, 70.2 percent were aged 12-34.
 Of internet users, 65.9 percent access the internet outside the home. |