News from Around the Americas | November 2007  
Cuban Victory at UN Largely Covered by World Media
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| Patrons of Exquisito restaurant, in the heart of the Little Havana neighborhood, in Miami, Florida, sit and enjoy lunch as US President George W. Bush, seen on the television, delivers his first speech addressing Cuba in four years, 24 October 2007. The UN General Assembly on Tuesday voted overwhelmingly for the 16th year in a row in favor of lifting the 45-year-old US trade embargo against communist-ruled Cuba. (AFP/Joe Raedle) | Media outlets throughout the world echoed the overwhelming UN vote in favor of the Cuban resolution against the U.S. economic, financial and commercial blockade of the island.
 Havana, Cuba - Media outlets throughout the world echoed the overwhelming UN vote in favor of the Cuban resolution against the U.S. economic, financial and commercial blockade of the island.
 The event hit Mexico's La Jornada's first page under the headline the United Nations Fully Support of Cuba, accompanied with a photo of foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque, taken while addressing the General Assembly.
 Also the Mexican daily Milenio dubbed the results of the vote overwhelming. The article notes that the number of UN member nations supporting Cuba has increased from 59 in 1992 to 184, this year 2007.
 In Bolivia, the most important news agencies reported the Cuban victory at the United Nations, including the Bolivian News Agency (ABI), which highlighted that for 16th consecutive year the Cuban resolution has been supported by the General Assembly, with the vote of 184 countries, out of a total of 192 members.
 In related news, Cuban ambassador to Angola, Pedro Ross, said the UN vote is an expression of worldwide rejection against the anti-Cuba policy maintained by Washington. | 
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