News from Around the Americas | November 2007  
Venezuelan Opposition Dreams of US Invasion
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| A Venezuelan holds a placard that reads 'No' during clashes at Venezuela's Central University in Caracas last week. Four police officers were shot and wounded during student protests on Friday in the Venezuelan city of Merida in an escalation of violent demonstrations against President Hugo Chavez's plan to scrap term limits. (Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters) | Caracas - The Venezuelan opposition uses violence because it dreams about the “US marines come to solve their problem”, affirmed the Venezuelan ambassador to Mexico, Roy Chaderton.
 In an interview granted to Prensa Latina, the diplomatic added that these sectors are loosing, one more time, the opportunity of giving an electoral struggle into the democratic system and they try to destabilize and overthrow the government of President Hugo Chávez.
 “They do not have patience to measure themselves in electoral way because thy know that they would never gain an election to Chávez and they are waiting for the marines,” he remarked.
 Chaderton recalled the similar situation occurred on 2005 when the opposition withdrew from an electoral process four days before the ballot to update the Parliament.
 “Now it is the daddy's children who stand up supported by the international media friends, partners or accomplices of the Inter American Press Association”, he affirmed.
 He mentioned a very spread illustration that shows the chavist students as aggressors on the last event occurred at the Central University of Venezuela and leaving out that what the opposition shock groups intended was to burn alive those students into a building of the place.
 “The opposition dreams with the US marines because they think that those will make the work easier, but that is a great stupidity because the Irak situation proves that the marines are not precisely the solution to a problem,” he added.
 He affirmed that those violent events could not avoid the approval referendum of the constitutional reform set for next December 2nd.
 When speaking about the progress of the bilateral relations with Mexico, he indicated that those are in a stage of improvement with the government and that all sectors and that is one of the current goals.
 Chaderton recalled that it is being achieved despite the media enemies of the bolivarian process, among which he mentioned the Murdock Group, in which directory figures the former Spanish president Jose Maria Aznar, the Fox chain of the United States, the Spanish Prida Group and the IAPA.
 The improvement of the links of Mexico with Cuba and Venezuela is a diplomatic defeat to the United States, he stated.
 Finally, he announced that joined to the Mexican government is being coordinated the receipt of Venezuelan help for the victims of the floods on the Tabasco and Chiapas states.
 Translated by Felitza Nava | 
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