News from Around the Americas | November 2007  
Funds Set Up to Assist Tabasco Flood Victims
Anna Cearley - San Diego Union-Tribune go to original

| Flood victims protect themselves from rain as they wait in line for food in Villahermosa, Mexico. At least 20,000 people were still trapped Monday on the rooftops of homes swallowed by water in one of the worst floods in local history. Government officials worked furiously to distribute aid and vowed to crack down on looting by desperate residents. (AP/Marco Ugarte) | San Ysidro, CA – Mexican authorities and U.S. relief organizations are collecting donations for victims of massive flooding in Mexico's eastern state of Tabasco.
 The Mexican government opened two bank accounts. One is available through any Wells Fargo Bank branch. People can write checks to Ayuda Tabasco and contribute through account number 5992573401.
 Checks to Ayuda Tabasco also can be dropped off or mailed to BBVA Bancomer USA, 4558 Camino de la Plaza, San Ysidro, CA 92173. It is across from the Shops at Las Americas. The account number is 2280300127.
 In addition, the Mexican Consulate in San Diego says it can explain to people how to send supplies such as bottled water, canned food and disposable diapers to Tabasco. For more information, contact the consulate at (619) 308-9966.
 Donations also can be sent to the San Diego-based International Community Foundation, which will forward the money to the Mexican Red Cross delegations in Tabasco.
 Checks can be made out to the International Community Foundation, and sent to 11300 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite 115, San Diego, CA 92121.
 For more information: http://donate.icf-xchange. org/donate.php/water emergencyrelief.
 Anna Cearley: anna.cearley@uniontrib.com | 
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