News from Around the Americas | November 2007  
ImpeachBush.org Launches Winter Lobbying Campaign

| To become an initial sponsor of the Winter Lobbying Campaign, click HERE. | In the last few days, 22,867 people have come to the ImpeachBush website to flood Congress with letters demanding support for House Res. 333 for impeachment. This is an incredible response in a short period of time. The Democratic leadership has behaved treacherously, keeping impeachment off the House floor - as if impeachment were a tactical plaything and not a mandate of the U.S. Constitution.
 They have to know that the impeachment movement is serious, and won't be turned away. The sheer quantity of letters that flooded Congress in the past week have made that clear.
 ImpeachBush has decided to launch an intensive few months to lobby Congress. This Winter Lobbying Campaign will begin in full force after Congress's Thanksgiving break. Bush's approval ratings are at an all-time low, and with intensifying threats against Iran, our mission is needed as much now as ever before. We are appealing to you to become an initial sponsor so that we can hit the ground running.
 Your donation will allow us to turn up the heat on Congress, produce impeachment literature, and to run newspaper ads in the major national and regional papers to energize and recruit concerned persons to the lobbying campaign. As a sponsor, you will receive periodic updates from former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark on all latest developments with the campaign.
 Of course, it's always powerful when we can announce that the impeachment movement has undertaken a new initiative. But think of how all-the-more powerful it would be if we could announce the launching of the campaign with hundreds or thousands of initial sponsors. Please become a sponsor of this critical campaign right now by clicking this link. | 
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