A First Annual Party with a Purpose
Laura Gelezunas - PVNN

| A group of Bucerias "community activists" threw A Party with a Purpose - to support and learn about four local charities - and BanderasNews videographer, Laura Gelezunas, was there to catch the community in action. | Great charity begins in the community. On Friday, December 7, 2007, a group of around 175 people gathered in Bucerias for a very special event - the First Annual Party with a Purpose.
 "During the summer a group of people that is ordinarily involved with charities in the Bucerias area decided that instead of having each group have their own welcome back party for the returning snowbirds, we decided to have one big party representing as many of the charitable groups in Bucerias that we could get together," said Harold Sokolove, Event Organizer.
 The four groups included: Amigos de Bucerias, The Bi-Lingual Community Center, the Children's Library and PEACE. Each had an information table where you could learn more about their mission, goals, programs, funding and volunteer needs. In addition, some monies were designated for the Tabasco State Flood relief fund.
 The pot-luck supper also included items donated by various Bucerias restaurants. There were over 20 raffle prizes, a silent auction and live entertainment.
 Brus Westby enjoyed his time at the event and says, "It's a nice thing, I've gone to a couple of different functions and some of those people ended up being pretty good friends, social friends, so it's neat, plus I got a chance to learn about some of the area charities."
 Close to $14,000 pesos were raised and shared among the charities. Organizers are happy with the turn out because the community pulled together to support and learn about and meet workers within the charity groups.
After having spent 10 years in the world of US broadcast news, Laura Gelezunas decided to unleash her skills on Puerto Vallarta by opening Video Diva Productions, a full-service, professional digital video company. Whether you're interested in a sales video, WEBmercial, music video, feature story, documentary, or corporate event video coverage, she has the experience, equipment and talent to coordinate a professional production. For more information, visit her website at VideoDivaProductions.com. |