News from Around Banderas Bay | December 2007  
Information for Vallarta Democrats Abroad
Dee Dee Camhi - PVNN

| For more information, contact Dee Dee Camhi at (322) 223-9804 or rdcamhi(at)mac.com. | Thanks to the new Puerto Vallarta Chapter of Democrats Abroad, it has never been more convenient for American citizens living in Mexico to participate in the U.S. electoral process.
 Here are two ways they can help you have a say in the direction of our home country:
 The next meeting of the Puerto Vallarta Chapter of Democrats Abroad will be on Sunday, Dec 9th at 1 pm at the International Friendship Club, Edificio Parian de Puente #13, Calle Libertad Esquina Miramar, Puerto Vallarta.
 A "debate" will take place - Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama on Healthcare and the Iraqi War. For more information or directions, please call (322) 222-5466.
 Global Primary - Vote For Your Democratic Candidate of Choice
 If you are wondering how to vote in the Democratic primary in your state back in the US, here is the best way. Vote in the Global Primary, which will be held on February 5, 2008.
 No pre-registering, no hassle. You can vote online at VoteFromAbroad.org or you can go to one of the two voting centers Democrats Abroad will have operating in the Banderas Bay area on that day.
 One is at MailBoxes Etc. on Fco. Medina Asencio in the Puerto Vallarta hotel zone, and the other will be at Philo's Restaurant, Delfin #315 in La Cruz de Huanacatzle. Transportation will also be provided to take people to the voting centers all day.
 For more information, contact Dee Dee Camhi at (322) 223-9804 or rdcamhi(at)mac.com.
 Democrats Abroad Mexico is the official organization of the US Democratic Party in Mexico. Since its inception, it has connected Americans living outside the United States with national politics and the Democratic Party. Its mission is to advance the principles of the party and to encourage members to vote for Democratic candidates back home.
 For more information about the new Puerto Vallarta chapter of Democrats Abroad, contact Ellen Greene at (311) 258-4410 or greene(at)sunworx.com or Dee Dee Camhi at (322) 223-9804 or rdcamhi(at)mac.com. | 
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