Naco Site to Aid Returned Illegal Entrants
Associated Press go to original

 |  | They may be tired, they may be hungry, they may be sick, they may have lost their medicine, they may not be able to walk because they have terrible blisters on their feet. - Cecile Lumer |  |  | Illegal immigrants returned to Mexico by the U.S. Border Patrol will be able to get help at a new resource center set to open next month in Naco, Sonora.
 The Migrant Resource Center is being built by a cross-border partnership between Citizens for Border Solutions in Bisbee and Iglesia del Camino, or Church of the Path, in Naco, Sonora, with support from other organizations and individuals.
 The center will provide recently returned migrants with food, water, clothing and blankets, and basic necessities like soap or a toothbrush, group members said.
 Many of the returned migrants are in "terrible condition" from days spent crossing the desert, said Cecile Lumer of the Bisbee group.
 "They may be tired, they may be hungry, they may be sick, they may have lost their medicine, they may not be able to walk because they have terrible blisters on their feet," Lumer said.
 Construction on the center is expected to be complete in mid-December. The facility will be open 24 hours a day unless volunteer staffers aren't available.
 Migrants needing other help will be assisted by volunteers, and if none are available, a wall map showing nearby sites that provide aid will be posted.
 Those needing medical care will be taken to a Red Cross facility, and those needing a place to sleep will be sent to the Iglesia del Camino sanctuary, where 10 beds are available, pastor Trinidad Alamea said. Another 40 beds are expected to be added in a dormitory next year. |