Out And About In Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| One of my favorite times in Vallarta, and I hope yours, is now... with plenty of theater shows to see, music to enjoy, workshops to attend and worthy causes to support - not to mention the holiday processions, parties and Posadas. | You'll have plenty of choices during the holidays for various theater shows. And more new productions in the new year. Popular Shirley Valentine's Vallarta Adventure has been extended to December 13th, 20th and 27th. This gives you a chance for sure to see outstanding New York actress Dana Zeller-Alexis at Santa Barbara Theater.
 Bedazzled continues December 12th and 19th. Siempre Sol, the Las Vegas-style musical journey of this Vallarta and Broadway entertainer, continues on December 11th and 18th. Throughout December are Bob Fosse and All That Dance on Friday and Always, Patsy Cline on Saturday. For further information about these shows, call Santa Barbara Theater at 222-2048.
 Denver actress Alex Ryer once again is scheduled to entertain at Santa Barbara with a holiday show. She is well-known here for her portrayal of Edith Piaf. The originally scheduled The Grinch That Stole Christmas with Metamorsa has been cancelled.
 In the new year, look for Sol Rose with the Phantom of the Opera again, beginning January 8th, this time a colorized Lon Chaney film version, featuring sound tracks of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, with vocals by Sol Rose and Kathy Overly and violin by Christopher May. Also, the original Broadway Stop the World comes in February, starring Sol Rose. He was the lead in one of the versions on Broadway, following Anthony Newley and Sammy Davis, Jr. Dinner will be available for both shows at Sol's restaurant, Cafe Bohemia, before the Santa Barbara presentations.
 Hundreds turn out for the annual Chamber Orchestra holiday concert. This year it will be held at 8 pm on Sunday, December 16th at the American School in the Marina Vallarta area. Mary MacLachlin is the director who gets magic out of the musicians. Donations are received for support of the orchestra.
 The Wise Woman seminar originally scheduled for December 12th will now be held at 10 am on Friday, December 14th at the International Friendship Clubhouse, Libertad and Miramar. Keith May will be speaking on "Gentle Giants of Banderas Bay - the Humpback Whale," and there's plenty of room for men to attend, along with the Wise Women.
 Former U.S. Consular Agent Jenny McGill will sign her book, Drama and Diplomacy, all about sultry Puerto Vallarta, at Galeria Vallarta, Juarez #265, on December 19th during the evening Art Walk. The book has been well-received, and Jenny is a delight. A holiday sculpture and jewelry exposition also is at the gallery.
 Musicians Steve and Lisa York of the Celebrators are performing on a cruise until January 6th, visiting the Caribbean and Central America.
 Chino's Paradise will be undergoing major upgrades with a new owner, a respected local physician.
 Caterer Kathy Overly treated a group of us to her scrumptious chili. You often can find Kathy at Cafe Bohemia or leave a message for your catering needs.
 One of my favorite times in Vallarta, and I hope yours, is now... with the processions, church bells pealing, and the posadas. And wait until New Year's Eve, with all of the celebrations and fireworks on Banderas Bay!
 We stopped by Galeria Pacifico, Aldama #174, on the day of the 20th anniversary celebration to view many long-time artists such as Bill White, Brewster Brockmann, Ramiz Barquet, and others. We also took in the evening street party on our way to other activities. Congratulations to owner Gary Thompson, my neighbor down the street. Marta Gilbert's art looked as powerful and beautiful as ever at Galeria A.L. (ArteLatinoAmerican), J.O. Dominquez #155. This is Marta's special fall showing.
 Cassandra Shaw (jewelry), Debbi Egan (BananaCantina), Carolyn Little (artist), and I attended a Guadalupe gathering high above the city. To get back down, we hitched a ride with a passerby (yes, we know what our mothers told us), to arrive in style, yes we did, at the Hacienda San Angel fundraiser for care of animals. This plush event was overflowing for a live auction, buffet dinner and lots of conversation.
 Lucy of Lucy's Cucu Cabana, Basilio Badillo #293, and I were at The Deli, V. Carranza #311-B, at the same time, wolfing down our fabulous on-the-go food and caught up a little with each other. She told me Gil (local humorist and author Gil Gevins) will host the December 19th fundraiser for autism awareness and understanding at BananaCantina, Amapas #147 and Pulpito. In a previous article, I wrote about outstanding Kerri Rivera, founder of BebePingo. To learn more, visit BebePingo.com or send an email to kerririvera(at)yahoo.com.
 Which reminds me of something Gil wrote about last season - the female Brazilian wax. Something about reving up a dull relationship (probably momentarily, if that) - at least from some men's viewpoint. Women, perk up, if you are dozing. In December's Vanity Fair, writer Christopher Hitchens continues undergoing self-improvement in articles for the magazine. That included a male Brazilian wax. The male version of the wax officially is called a sunga. Various collequial terms for this probably would not get by the Tribune's editor, so I won't even try.
 For those of us who have given birth and been in and out of doctors' offices sitrrups too many times to count to be poked, prodded, and whatever else, my sympathy wasn't with the writer. It, however, is one funny read. You can only imagine. "I had no idea it would be so excruiating. The combined effort was like being tortured for information that you do not possess," and further unprintables.
 He asked, "What sort of men come here?" Answer: "Those who are preparing for hemorrhoid operations. And those from Wall Street who sit too much and get their behinds irritated. Also many who are urged by their wives and their families." Part of the procedure was invasive... with more unprintables. Finally, Hitchens declares, "I am more than ever sure that it's enough to be born once, and to take one's chances, and to grow old disgracefully."
 Enjoy the holiday season!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to the Vallarta Tribune and other local and international publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, a weekly column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more of Twila's "Out and About" articles |