News from Around Banderas Bay | January 2008  
Democratic Global Presidential Primary 2008
Dee Dee Camhi - PVNN

| Contact your local DA/Costa Banderas-PV area chapter chairperson, Dee Dee Camhi at chair.banderas(at)mexicodemocrats.org, or Nancy Evans, the DA/Mexico national voter registration chairperson, at voter-registration(at)mexicodemocrats.org. | | When is it? The Global Primary will take place from February 5 to 12, 2008. Democrats Abroad will hold a Democratic Global Presidential Primary by Internet, mail or fax, and in-person at Voting Centers in 34 countries around the globe. (The in-person voting in Mexico will take place only on Feb 5th.) This will be the FIRST global primary ever!
 Who can participate in the DA Mexico’s Global Primary? Participation in the DA Mexico’s Global Primary is open to any person who is a US national citizen, is 18 years of age or older on or before November 4, 2008, resides temporarily or permanently outside the US, and is a member of the Mexico Country Committee of Democrats Abroad or joins DA/Mexico before voting in the Global Primary.
 Everyone voting in the DA Mexico’s Global Primary process shall declare that s/he meets these requirements and also agrees to participate in good faith in this primary instead of in her/her own home state’s democratic presidential caucus or primary process. One can register to be a member of Democrats Abroad by accessing DemocratsAbroad.org on the internet and clicking "Join Democrats Abroad."
 How can I vote? You can vote in three different ways:
 1. By secure Internet online voting at VoteFromAbroad.org
 2. In person on February 5, 2008 at one of the two Banderas Bay area voting centers: • Philo’s Restaurant, Delfin #15, La Cruz de Huanacatzle from 12 to 8 pm • Mailboxes, Etc. Blvd Fco Medina Ascencio, Zonal Hotelera Norte from 10 am to 6 pm.
 3. By paper ballot, which must be requested from your individual state and returned by mail or fax before February 12, 2008
 Can I vote in my home state too? U.S. voters living overseas may vote for a presidential candidate in either the Democratic Global Primary or their state primary back home. You may not vote for a presidential candidate in both. (When you receive your state primary ballot, you can vote for all offices other than President, but you must not vote for President on that ballot.)
 Is it safe to vote by Internet? Secure Internet voting is powered by Everyone Counts, a leading expert in high-integrity online elections. We are using the same system the Michigan Democratic Party has used since 2004. Alternatively, you will have the option to vote by post, fax or in-person at Voting Centers in 34 countries around the world.
 Whom can I contact if I have questions or if I want to become a member of DA/Mexico? Your local DA/Costa Banderas-PV area chapter chairperson, Dee Dee Camhi at chair.banderas(at)mexicodemocrats.org, or Nancy Evans, the DA/Mexico national voter registration chairperson, at voter-registration(at)mexicodemocrats.org. | 
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