News Around the Republic of Mexico | January 2008  
Mexican Parties on Strike for Oil
Javier Rodriguez Roque - Prensa Latina go to original
 Mexico City - Mexican political parties in the Broad Progressive Front (FAP) threatened to go on a "legislative strike" to avoid the privatization of the country´s oil industry.
 According to Javier Gonzalez Garza, coordinator of the PRD parliamentary group, the Front will try to prevent the passing of a bill that would open state-owned Mexican Oil Co. (PEMEX) to national and foreign private investment.
 Oilfield services provider Halliburton Co. recently won a three-year, $683 million contract with PEMEX to manage the drilling and completion of 58 land wells in the country's southern region.
 "La Jornada" newspaper published yesterday a document by the financial group "Banamez," affiliated to the US Citigroup company, revealing possible legislative agreements for private participation in oil industry sectors.
 FAP members of Parliament said they will not attend sessions discussing such bills, and threatened to shut down Congress.
 According to the source, PEMEX will have a $45-billion surplus in 2008, so it is not necessary to privatize the stated-owned company.
 FAP claimed to have the support of some PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) MPs to go on strike.
 The Broad Progressive Front is made up of the PRD (Partido de la Revolucion Democratica), the Mexican Work Party (PT) and the Convergence Party of Mexico. | 
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