Vallarta Living | January 2008  
The Reason for the R.I.S.E. Event

| Chely aged 13, mothered her brothers and sisters aged 11, 9, 6 and 2 years old, until DIF rescued them and sent them to the Refugio. | | It costs more than $10,000 USD a month for R.I.S.E. to house, clothe, feed, educate and generally care for 56 children. That's about $180 a month per child.
 R.I.S.E. gets less than $300 a month from DIF to care for all 56 of them.
 That's why they are putting so much effort and prayer into the big annual fundraiser that's being held on February 9th from 5 to 9 pm at The American School in Marina Vallarta.
 It's a big deal, it needs to be; it is their main income source for the entire year.
 No doubt you have already heard about the fabulous food and entertainment being provided, and as anyone who has ever attended will verify, it's the best night out you could have for about what you'd pay for a good dinner and drinks at just one restaurant. I was blown away when I went last year.
 You get to sample the best that the best restaurants in town have to offer, whilst watching a magnificent array of entertainment from the Xiutla Folkloric Dance Troupe to the children of the Refugio doing their concert.
 But I'm not here to talk about how great the event is going to be, that's already been written up all over town. I'm here to remind you about why it's being held.
 I was shocked to hear R.I.S.E. had dropped the admission price to $450 pesos this year, $400 if you book now instead of waiting till you get there. Apparently people complained about paying $500 for the chance to support this essential charity by attending a fantastic night out.
 I'd like to know where else you can go to sample ALL the best food in town, have the chance at the bargain of the year in silent and live auctions and be royally entertained whilst doing a good deed.
 But there it is; the Refugio needs your help so badly that it is offering all of this for less than $40 USD in the hopes that you will advance book now so they can rest assured that the kids will have the food and services and medicine they need in the year to come. Each ticket you buy means that one underprivileged child will have all of their basic needs met for a week.
 The children of the Refugio range in age from 6 months to 14 years. Some have been there since birth, born to parents in prison. All have a history involving some kind of tragic, appalling abuse.
 The last influx was a family of five children; Chely aged 13, who was mothering her brothers and sisters aged 11, 9, 6 and 2 years old. They were left with a neighbour until DIF rescued them and sent them to the Refugio.
 They arrived in November and stole the heart of Carmen Galvan-Berkowitz who works as the Refugio's liaison. She determined that Chely would have the chance to go to school and found Carmen Espinosa, big hearted owner of the Real Estate Store who agreed to put up the funding so Cheyl could attend the Montessori School – having never attended school before she couldn't have coped with regular classes.
 She has just completed her first week and is so excited to have this chance. The teachers are delighted with her, saying she is hard working and smart and they plan on moving her up a grade very soon. Now Carmen Galvan-Berkowitz has her sights set on finding funding for Marisol, Cheyl's 11 year old sister, so she can have an equal chance at being educated.
 Meanwhile there are still half a hundred other children hoping that there are enough kind souls who want to buy tickets to a big Valentine Party so that they can have a chance at life too.
 Have you booked your ticket yet?
 The Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza, (R.I.S.E.), is a non-profit shelter in Puerto Vallarta for babies and children under the age of 14 who have been turned over to R.I.S.E. by DIF (Desarrollo Integral de la Familia,) a Mexican government institution that is the legal representative for minors under the age of 14.
JOY! Is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach, famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges with her unorthodox approach and emPOWERment tools. For more information, visit her website ExperienceJoy.com or call 044-322-129-1128.
 Click HERE for more articles by JOY! | 
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