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It's Time to Experience JOY! a profile of author and life coach Joy Phoenix

| JOY! is a writer and a personal happiness coach who travels the world as a keynote speaker, author and life coach. | Originally from New Zealand, Puerto Vallarta resident JOY! is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach and whole health practitioner. She is pledged to a no regrets life of grand adventure bringing Awareness of Choice, New Perspective and Positive Resolution in all pleasurable ways for the greatest good of all.
 Her personal mission statement is 'to make each life I touch, better for my having passed; and all life better for my being.'
 She made these choices after several long walks with Death following various accidents, she has been on 'walkabout' (a spirit led journey with no fixed time or destination) in the Northern Hemisphere since 2000. JOY! travels the world as a keynote speaker, author and life coach, teaching personal empowerment, health and happiness.
 She is in Puerto Vallarta finishing her latest book; Miracle Updates. Her last book 'No Worries, Mate!' is available as an e-book on her website ExperienceJoy.com. It contains a process that money-back-guarantees to eliminate all worry at its source. This De-Worrying process is so simple anyone can do it, and so powerful that she used it to take her computer business from struggling to survive in the spare bedroom of her Queensland home, to being the largest, most influential software support organization in Australia.
 If you are ready to make dramatic positive changes in your life, JOY! can show you the fastest, easiest, most fun ways of doing it.
 JOY! is famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges and into the lives they choose. Her unorthodox approach and the emPOWERment tools she has spent two decades gathering, produce immediate positive results, guaranteed or the session is free. One-on-one sessions are also available. For more information, visit her website, call 044-322-129-1128 or send an email to joy@experiencejoy.com.
emPOWERment Tools for a More JOYful Life Each week, Internationally acclaimed life transformation coach JOY! will be sharing segments of her emPOWERment Tools Program with our visitors. This new video series offers fast, fun and easy ways to live a healthier, happier life. Try them HERE and see what happens!
The Challenge Corner
with Life Transformation Coach, JOY!
 Check out the Challenge Corner, where every week you are given the opportunity to play with a body, mind or spirit expansion exercise that will help you improve your life in some way.
Adiós Olas Altas
 Avoiding the final stages of packing, taking in the sights and sounds of Vallarta one last time... Everything becomes so poignant when you know you might not see it again. I'm going to miss Olas Altas, but its time for grander adventures on different shores.
Wesak – Making the Most of the Spiritual New Year
 The entire week leading up to Wesak, (also known as Buddha's Birthday) holds high holy energy for anyone to tap into. That's why I am holding a miniature Wesak Festival at the hidden hot springs in Puerto Vallarta on Monday May 19th.
Celebrating the Eternally Young
 I recently attended two "high society" parties - Bob Early's elegant birthday party at La Jolla de Mismaloya apartments and Janice Chatterton's Swinging Sixties party to raise funds for the Puerto Vallarta SPCA at Casa Kimberly.
Burn Grandfather, But First Have Breakfast
 When they paved the the once tree-rich Lazaro Cardenas Park to put in a parking lot, I didn’t think I'd ever feel good about that space again. Then, in February, Hector Lugo staged his Natural Health fair there, and the plaza came back to life.
Mud Magic in the Puerto Vallarta Jungle
 Mud baths are legendary for pain relief, for drawing toxins from the body and leaving the skin feeling wonderful. The mud my friend David mines from the Sierra Madres has extraordinary healing properties.
Earth Day at Vallarta's Botanical Gardens
 On Tuesday, April 22nd, the Puerto Vallarta Botanical Gardens will be holding an Earth Day celebration at 3 pm. There will be a Gardens tour and tree planting and an earth healing.
The Magic of Siempre Sol
 The first time I saw Sol perform I didn't know he had a stage show. I was having dinner at Café Bohemia watching this charismatic character weaving everyone on this patio restaurant into one big family having a party in his back garden.
Catching a Baby Tiger by the Tail
 The Vallarta Zoo is one of the most unique in the world because between 28 and 35 big cats are born there every year. Twice a year anyone can come and cuddle with them, and that's how I got up close and personal with baby tigers and jaguars this week.
Adventures in San Sebastian
 Semana Santa is a good time to flee Vallarta and leave it to the tourists who flock to the beach for the holiday. So, on Good Friday, I drove up the mountain to San Sebastian del Oeste with some friends.
Help Huicholes Save the World this Easter
 Easter is a time of honouring sacrifice, a time of hope and new life. We all have the opportunity to help the Huicholes offer healing to our troubled world by bringing them what they need to continue their sacred work.
Huichol Festival Continues Through March 15
 In the middle of a mall in modern day Puerto Vallarta, an ancient tribe believed to be direct descendants of the Aztecs, the Huicholes, are allowing everyone to witness their ancient traditions, to interact with them and buy their sacred art.
A Shining Moment at the Botanical Gardens
 The second annual "Noche de las Luminarias," held last month at the Puerto Vallarta Botanical Gardens, was everything you could want from a Gala Night - and more! Everything about the event perfectly reflected the essence of the Gardens.
Vallartenses R.I.S.E. to the Occassion
 The grounds of the American School were packed on February 9th, when close to 800 people gathered together for the 6th Annual R.I.S.E. for Hope Fundraiser to benefit the children of the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza in Puerto Vallarta.
The Blunt Truth on Women's Heart Disease
 Heart disease didn't become the number one killer of women overnight. It took more than a generation for women to catch up to men. An unhealthy lifestyle results in a shortened life. A few simple methods can help improve your health and quality of life.
Healing Magic at Lazaro Cardenas Plaza
 My life for the last week has revolved almost totally around the health fair at Lazaro Cardenas Plaza on the south side of Puerto Vallarta. It is so rich with fascinating people, different cultures and wonderful stories, I can't stay away
Heart Disease #1 Killer of American Women
 Heart disease is the number one killer of American Women. Wasn't this an old person's disease? A man's disease? Why are so many of our mothers and sisters, our daughters and girlfriends dying? When did our hearts start attacking us?
Celebrating Life and Love in San Pancho
 When Brian goes back to school in San Diego, and his friends ask him what he did for his 16th birthday, he will be able, if perhaps unlikely, to say "I assisted a New Zealand Shaman at a gay wedding in an Arabic building on the Mexican Riviera!"
Thought Provoking Sculptures at Dante
 Much has been said about the paintings of Israel Zzepda - his paintings themselves have a lot to say! But sculpting is a new thing for Israel, and he currently has four life size sculptures exhibited in Galleria Dante alongside his other art.
Challenge Yourself in 2008
 Every year we tend to make all kinds of promises to ourselves, vowing to start this or stop that or improve something in some way, but as good as our intentions start out to be, all too often they fall by the wayside.
Discover the Benefits of Healing Mud
 Mud treatments not only make your skin look and feel wonderful, they also draw the toxins from your body for enhanced overall health. But not everyone can afford fancy spa prices. Luckily, I discovered David's 'magic mud' on my first visit to Vallarta.
Interview with a Face Reader
 Learn how to communicate with, and better understand, every person in your life. Join Internationally renowned empowerment coach JOY! at the Lazy Lizard in Puerto Vallarta on tonight from 7:30-9 pm for Advanced Communication Through Face Reading.
Lazy Lizard Bingo Goes Out With a Bang
 Over seven crazy bingo nights at the Lazy Lizard on Playa los Muertos, we raised 60,314 pesos for the children at the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza. That's almost double what the government gives them in a year!
How Worry Can Make Business More Successful
 Worry can cripple a business simply by diverting its focus. But you can actually make worry work for you rather than against you, by using it as a trigger to alert you to the fact that you are not doing anything useful here and now.
Broke, Time Challenged, Stressed Out?
 In too many cases, the people that most need to take my four upcoming emPOWERment seminars are those who don't have anything to spare. So everyone is welcome to pay whatever they can, and if you don't have any cash we can work something out.
Last, But Not Least, Lazy Lizard Bingo
 This Thursday, the gorgeous guides from Canopy Los Veranos will be making a personal appearance at the last Lazy Lizard Bingo of the season. Jokester Alex Macedo will be calling the bingo and Homero Mena will be juggling and fire dancing at half time.
Glamour and Fashion at Lazy Lizard Bingo
 This week's Lazy Lizard Charity Bingo was thoroughly heart warming. The arrival of the R.I.S.E. kids made everyone's night, and the response from the children playing bingo epitomized the feeling. And then there was the Encore Boutique fashion show...
Don't Suppress Your Stress - Experience JOY!
 From July 30th-Aug 2nd, JOY! will be presenting a series of four emPOWERment seminars targeting the major problems confronting people today: Stress, worry, time, and the ability to understand one another without taking things personally.
You Can Help Change the World on July 17th
 On Tuesday, July 17th at 11:11 GMT, that's 6:11 AM here in Puerto Vallarta, you can help change the world by joining millions of people all over the globe who are coming together in an hour-long meditation to Fire the Grid.
Rain or Shine Vallarta R.I.S.E.s to the Occasion
 Thursday night's Lazy Lizard Charity Bingo was a little wet, but it didn't dampen anyone's spirit. All in all $9487 pesos were raised, which just goes to show that rain or shine, Vallartenses always R.I.S.E. to the occasion!
Charity Bingo July 5 Celebration - Cha-Ching!
 More than 100 people squeezed in to the Lazy Lizard to raise $11,912 pesos at the charity bingo game for R.I.S.E. this week. Over at the orphanage, the nuns are turning cartwheels - more than $27,000 pesos have been raised so far!
Summer Solstice Workshop a Sizzling Success
 Vanquishing fear, finding forgiveness and clearing internal negative voices - what a way to celebrate Summer Solstice! Six students used the power of the Solstice energy to burn some of the more pervasive negative patterns that had pained them for years.
Americans Bring Independence to R.I.S.E.
 Ok, so it's a day late - but hopefully the Americans Bring Independence to R.I.S.E. party at the Lazy Lizard won't be a dollar short! Join your fellow Americans on July 5th for a fun-filled Independence Day celebration to raise money for a good cause.
Lazy Lizard - Legends, Laughter and Love
 Axe Capoeira's amazing half-time show added to the excitment at this week's Lazy Lizard Charity Bingo Night, where an additional $4600 pesos were raised, bringing the three-week total of funds donated to R.I.S.E. to more than $15,000 pesos.
Len Lets Loose on Lazy Lizard
 Don't miss Charity Bingo Night every Thursday night between 7 pm and 9 pm at the Lazy Lizard. This week, we raised $6180 pesos for the children at R.I.S.E. - thanks to Len and his amazing Blu crew going all out to help make it happen.
Celebrate Summer Solstice with JOY!
 This Thursday is Summer Solstice; a powerful day of purification and renewal of the self, a time to release fear from your life, a time to be reborn. Join Life Transformation Coach, JOY! for a a special workshop centered around banishing fear.
Lazy Lizard Bingo Night - a SMASHING SUCCESS!
 With local celebrity Mama Dolores running the show, the Lazy Lizard's first Charity Bingo Night was a smashing success, raising $4500 pesos for the children at the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza (R.I.S.E.)
The Slaughter of a Vallartan Legend
 Having seen the slaughter of the magnificent trees at Lazaras Cardenas Parque to make way for a parking lot, I worried about the Banyan tree at Molina de Agua, but I was assured that the new owners had agreed to leave all of the big trees untouched.
R.I.S.E. Kids Sing for their Supper
 This week the children at the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza, (R.I.S.E.) aren't focused on how tough their lives have been, they are too busy preparing for the concert they will be performing at Lazy Lizard Bingo Night this Thursday.
Huilo - Changing the Dream
 In honor of World Environment Week, Teatro Jaguar Luna will be presenting 'DreamCasting the Art of Transforming Consciousness,' an art/puppet show filled with hope and symbolism this Saturday, June 9th at the Los Arcos Theater on the Malecon.
Lazy Lizard Bingo Benefits R.I.S.E.
 Every Thursday from 7 to 9 pm, the Lazy Lizard will be hosting Bingo to raise money for the kids of the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza. But not just any Bingo... THE most outrageous, unreasonably fun, unpredictably interesting bingo every staged!
Grand Dames in Vallarta
 Locals and visitors enjoyed one Grand Dame extreme to another in Puerto Vallarta last Sunday. The first has 250 devoted men serving her exclusively, the second no less impressive but considerably livelier: Las Chicas de Ayer, Hoy y Siempre
Finding Inner Peace in Puerto Vallarta
 The Vallartan Inkarri Multicultural Association is sponsoring a group of Tibetan monks who are currently in Puerto Vallarta promoting inner peace, while raising money to rebuild monasteries destroyed by the Chinese and to help support the monks.
The Unwise Contemplation of Murder Most Fowl
 The haggard desperation in Ricky's face told me he truly was at the end of his tether. "I can't stand it any more" he told me "I have to kill them; they have left me no other choice, you understand don't you?"
What Do You Stand For?
 On Sunday May 13th, more than two dozen women gathered at the gazebo in front of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Puerto Vallarta to stand in silence for five minutes in a worldwide call for mutual respect and understanding, a call for peace...
Locals Love Adriana's Place
Joy Phoenix
 Adriana's Place on the south side of Puerto Vallarta is a warm and wonderful place to break bread, and the food is amazing. But the best news for the locals is that this great food is also the most affordable in town.
Hey Bonita, you want a Mexican Husband?
 My girlfriend emailed me and asked "What are the men like in Mexico? Are Latin men really different from American men? Should I bring my search for a husband over there?" Yes, they most certainly are different, and it's WONDERFUL! more »»» | 
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