News from Around Banderas Bay | February 2008  
Vallarta Race 2008: And They're Off...
Sail World go to original

| (John Anderson/Jared Wohlgemuth/San Diego Yacht Club) | | The first four boats in the 2008 San Diego to Puerto Vallarta International 'Vallarta Race' set off for Puerto Vallarta today. Starting in a moderate (8-10 kts) east/southeast breeze and on a strong ebb tide, three ORR Division 4 boats and a single 'Performance Cruiser' hit the line at 1200 sharp.
 Ernie Doizaki's 78' Dashew blue-water design 'Beowulf' was a little slow out of the blocks, but after clearing Point Loma, she was reported on the FIS Tracker doing 7 - 8 kts and heading offshore, where no doubt, she is most comfortable . As the lone 'Performance Cruiser', the pressure is off within his class, but Doizaki will still be watching the progress of the Div 4 race boats fully half his length.
 In that department, there is likely to be some close sailing. Condor, a Columbia 50 owned by Chicago's Lindy Thomas and sailed by a mostly 'Chi-town' crew took the start right at the pin on starboard. Ducking his transom were the other two Div 4 competitors Super Gnat and Uncontrollable Urge. Super Gnat, a Beneteau 40.7, is owned by SDYC's Cliff Thompson and is being sailed by Cliff, his daughter MaryAnn Hopper, her husband 'AnJohn' and several of their neighbors from Dallas Texas where they are from.
 They were a spirited group at the Kick-Off party the night before. Urge, a Columbia 30 is the 'short ship' of the fleet, and owned by James and Chris Gilmore from Silvergate YC in San Diego. They are not new to distance sailing and freely admitted to finishing 'last' in last year's Transpac race. Regardless, they have some solid ocean miles under their keel, and will likely be putting that experience to good use here this week. They weren't more than two boat lengths apart from Super Gnat at the start, and watching the FIS Tracker, after six hours, appear to still be nearly on top of each other.
 For the fans back home, you can follow the boats on the FIS Tracking webpage. New this year, the site includes several new features including wind direction and barometric isobars which will highlight conditions the boats are experiencing and maybe help explain some of reasoning behind their tracks down the coast. Their positions are reported every three hours with no delay.
 Saturday will mark the start for the rest of the 19 boat fleet as the Division 3, 2 and 1 boats get underway. Their start area will also be off Shelter Island. Division 3 will start at 1200, Division 2 at 1210 and Division 1 at 1220.
 Visit www.sdyc.org/pv for the latest race updates, photos, and race tracker. | 
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