A Writer's Life in Puerto Vallarta
Harold Sokolove - PVNN

| Local author Linda Abbott Trapp will be sharing A Writer's Life in Puerto Vallarta at the Bucerias Bilingual Community Center, Calle 16 de septiembre, on Wednesday, March 5th at 7 pm. | | Amigos de Bucerias Simply Speaking Series welcomes local author Linda Abbott Trapp, who'll be sharing A Writer's Life in Puerto Vallarta at the Bucerias Bilingual Community Center, Calle 16 de septiembre, on Wednesday, March 5th at 7 pm.
 Each of us comes to Mexico with a lifetime of skills, a track record of accomplishment, and perhaps a few unresolved problems. As we all know, "wherever we go, there we are." Here, we find a gorgeous environment, a multitude of heart-wrenching needs, the options of leisure and luxury, potential friends, and the opportunity to make a difference.
 This presentation uses one person's way of working all that out through writing to help us all think through our own commitments, challenges, and courage. Dr. Linda Abbott Trapp will talk about the process of writing her three newest books: Ornamental Plants and Flowers of Tropical Mexico, Letters to My Granddaughters, and the just-off-the press Intentional Living: Lessons from the Tree of Life.
 Using excerpts and illustrations from these works, she will encourage you to yield to your urge for generativity - to find a way to leave your own legacy of caring.
 There will be time allotted for discussion and Q & A and books will be available for sale.
 About the Presenter:
 Dr. Linda Abbott Trapp lives and writes in Nuevo Vallarta. A former Dean of the California School of Professional Psychology, she has given over 3000 seminars throughout the US and abroad.
 Her 7 books and more than 200 articles cover several decades and the fields of cross-cultural psychology, the arts, music, environmental concerns, social justice, business management, and theology. She is married and has four grown children. Her books can be previewed at: AbbottPub.com. |