News from Around Banderas Bay | March 2008  
Big Rewards from a Big Ship
Peter Gray - PVNN

| The U.S.S. Peleliu arrived in Puerto Vallarta on February 26th with a big agenda to fulfill, all of which kept our local Navy League members deeply engaged in ensuring the Peleliu's visit would be productive and memorable - and it was! (Photos by Dale P. Hansen) | | The U.S.S. Peleliu (LH-5) is a big ship. She can carry up to three thousand naval personnel, pilots and marines aboard, plus helicopters, Harrier jets and all the vehicles and equipment needed for a major landing force. On this occasion, she also brought down from San Diego eight pallets of medical supplies for which our local Navy League has been patiently waiting for many months.
 The Peleliu arrived in Puerto Vallarta on February 26th with a big agenda to fulfill. It included two days of volunteer work painting the Los Mangos Library, off-loading the medical supplies, hosting many visiting parties on tours of the ship, an onboard medical conference for the medical staff from the local Mexican Navy base and two social functions. All of which kept our local Navy League members deeply engaged in ensuring the Peleliu's visit would be productive and memorable.
 On the evening of the 26th, Captain Ed Rhoades generously hosted an onboard reception for city officials headed by the Municipal President, Javier Bravo and his sister, Sra. Aleyda Bravo Carbajal, President of DIF, a number of officers from the Mexican Navy base headed by Vicealmirante C.G. DEM Comdte, Armando Garcia Rodriguez, and members of the Navy League.
 This was literally a red-carpet affair complete with honor guard. Captain Rhoades and his other officers were extraordinarily warm in welcoming aboard all who were lucky enough to attend.
 The camaraderie that quickly spread among the ship's personnel and the visitors totally made up for the apprehensions some of the more senior Navy League members had felt about the task of getting onboard. (Because it lies low in the water, the ship was anchored well offshore.)
 On the 27th, the shipment of medical supplies and equipment was off-loaded. This included specialized wheel-chairs, crutches, autoclaves and updraft machines for respiratory treatments. Under Dr. Peter Gordon's direction, the benefactors will include the Rural Health Center in Bucerias and other institutions in coordination with the International Friendship Club.
 There is an enormous demand for the material brought down by the Peleliu. Many people in great need will be helped through the aid given by the ship and the generosity of all those in the U.S. who donated the supplies.
 At the same time, Navy-Leaguer Bill Clark was coordinating the visit of 30 crew members, headed by the ship's Protestant chaplain Lt. Kevin Norton, to the Los Mangos Library.
 Readers may remember that work-parties from two Coast Guard cutters have worked on this building already this year. With the aid of the Peleliu volunteers on this and the following day, the work is finished and the library is now looking at its best again. As has become customary, the willing workers were taken off for a fine lunch to round off their day with the Navy League.
 In the evening, Dennis Whitelaw, General Manager of the Casa Magna Hotel Marriott, hosted a cocktail party on the grounds of the hotel for the officers of the Peleliu, members of the Navy League and their friends.
 Among the distinguished guests was Captain Sheehan, the U.S. Naval Attache at the American Embassy in Mexico City. A modest collection at the door helped begin the task of financing next year's Toys for Tots distribution.
 Captain Rhoades gave a brief speech, warm in its praise of Puerto Vallarta and acknowledging the high regard in which this city's Navy League is regarded throughout the Pacific region.
 He and the President of the Navy League, Jeff Miltenbeger, then exchanged plaques commemorating the Peleliu's visit and the close ties between active duty navy personnel and the many and varied people who make up the membership of the Navy League here in Puerto Vallarta.
 Advantage of the occasion was taken to also award a Navy League plaque to K.C. Crandall, the general manager of the Vista Vallarta Golf Club, in recognition of the Club's generous and consistent support of Toys for Tots.
 We do not get big naval ships visiting very often. But when we do, the Navy League takes every advantage of their presence to accomplish tasks on behalf of the community in general. At the same time, we do our best to ensure that the officers and enlisted men leave Puerto Vallarta with a good feeling about our city and a wish that they will return again.
 If you would like to join the Navy League, newcomers are always welcomed at our monthly meetings at the Marriott hotel at 11 am on the first Tuesday of every month. | 
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