News Around the Republic of Mexico | March 2008  
Mexican Government Survey for United States and Canadian Citizens Residing in Mexico
Hacienda y Crédito Publico
 The Ministry of Finance (Hacienda y Crédito Publico) is surveying United States and Canadian citizens living in Mexico. The goal is to identify the main difficulties foreigners face while migrating to Mexico, and once they have settled in the country.
 The information gathered will be used to design a comprehensive strategy, including new policy proposals, to make migrating to Mexico easier.
 Participation in the survey is voluntary, and all information provided will be anonymous and strictly confidential. It takes approximately five minutes to make your opinion known.
 Click HERE to access the "Main difficulties faced by US and Canadian citizens when migrating to Mexico" survey
 For comments or concerns regarding the survey: contact Rodrigo Garcia Verdu rodrigo_garcia(at)hacienda.gob.mx | 
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