Vallarta Living | March 2008  
Out And About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Probably only in a place like Vallarta would some persons be happy to be turned away on their flights to stay another day in the sunshine! | | What a mob scene at the Puerto Vallarta airport when I flew to the U.S. The flight I was to be on to Dallas was cancelled. Fortunately, I was able to get on an already close-to-full flight to Chicago. Probably only in a place like Vallarta would some persons be happy to be turned away on their flights to stay another day in the sunshine!
 The new "B gate" wing is impressive at the airport. Work on signage and other aspects was being put into place. With high season departures, the lines were long for trying to get going.
 On the plane, a darling boy more than a year old, sitting beside us, cried and screamed most of the four-hour trip. His mother had bags of toys. Efficiently she managed a car seat, and the baby, too, that brought back memories of how exhausted I was at that age with youngsters needing full time attention.
 Then into snow and cold... returning here to shivering when I expected to be perspiring with April upon us.
 Neighbor and friend Edwin Treitler wrote a beautiful tribute to actress, director and producer Beverly Rose in the March 16-22 issue of the Tribune that I hope you read. Beverly also had a great big heart, helping others, especially children.
 It's a year away, and we are looking forward to the International Fireworks Symposium here in April 2009. A "dry run" here of fireworks activities is this May.
 We continue to hear so many good comments about the Artisan Bakery, 875 Morelos, tel: (322) 222-4970. More than a dozen specialty breads are featured. I really like the apricot and raisin whole wheat bread with a cup of coffee. Owners Jaime and Lorene are just lovely.
 We are so fortunate to have Paul Crist, owner of the Mercurio Hotel and president of a non-profit organization "addressing the HIV epidemic in Vallarta," writing and educating us on a broad range of topics, including economic issues, communication policy, HIV policy and other topics. Paul has a Masters in International Economics from highly-respected Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, Baltimore, MD. You can reach him at paulcrist(at)hotelmercurio.com. Not only is he smart, he's one nice guy.
 Vivian Hemphill, educator working with indigenous communities, discusses "The End of Poverty" at Wise Wo-men in Vallarta on Wednesday, April 2nd, at the International Friendship Club, Libertad and Miramar. She made quite an impact last year with women and Vallarta-area community leaders wanting to help her and her programs.
 A couple of big breakfasts still are ahead. On Tuesday, April 1st, the Becas Breakfast to raise scholarship funds for Vallarta-area students, is at 9:30 am at Boca Bento on Basilio Badillo. Call Joan Cannon at 223-1164 for tickets.
 Then on Friday, April 4th at 10 am, the community breakfast will feature networking and vendors at Boca Bento. Make reservations at pmt15(at)hotmail.com.
 The 12 persons connected in some way to Santa Barbara Theater, restaurant and church who were exploring purchasing the space within the building, are not doing so. Local performer Ann Marie Daminus is the new owner of the Santa Barbara Theater. Click HERE for more details.
 Saw this eye-catching title on a book list I receive, "Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen," by Susan Gregg Gilmore. If it's a banana split - yeah - which I actually enjoyed at a Dairy Queen with my grandsons while in the U.S. Check on the book with Tom at The Book Store at Plaza Caracol, tel: (322) 224-1872.
 Thank you to many of you who ask about my 7-year-old grandson, Blake, who was diagnosed last year with a childhood rare bone disease of the hip. He just returned again from seeing his specialist at a Shriners Hospital. He is coming along well, and, thankfully, eventually will return to a normal life. While he does twirly-whirlies on his crutches (and probably will break his leg!) he now can abandon his braces for several hours a day, but for safety reasons, mandated for sure by his parents, he will remain in a wheelchair at school.
 With continuing some heavy-duty research and writing, Out and About will be written periodically for a period of time. Communication applications within a larger framework include media ethics, confidential sources, noting attempts sometimes of some who wish to keep public-based secrets or function in unscrupulous ways to influence some publishers, editors and writers... and how this is done. We hope to use some humor about it at times.
 We appreciate you as readers with your friendliness and openness as we try to function as a professional and experienced journalist in this resort town, full of characters, and sometimes most interesting "activities." And, along with you, we'll keep laughing and having fun!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to the Vallarta Tribune and other local and international publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more of Twila's articles | 
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