News from Around Banderas Bay | April 2008  
Mexico Car Import Permit Information
Laura Joachín M. - PVNN
 After discussions in the last Navy League meeting, it seems there is some confusion about importation of alien vehicles.
 The following is a transcription of an article in the customs law regarding the Car Import Permit. This information applies only to financially independent aliens who import a vehicle, but should be helpful in discussions with the Federal, State or Municipal transit police.
 Its scope is that the car import sticker is valid regardless of the expiration date, if any, on the car permit sticker itself, as long as the importer has a valid immigration status, or is in the process of renewing immigration status.
 It might be helpful for those who own and drive a foreign licensed car within Mexico, to print the enclosed file and keep a copy of it in their car-along with a copy of their valid FM-3 visa, a copy of their passport and the original documents that came with the car import sticker.
 Also, if your FM-3 is in the process of renewal, keep in your car a copy of the original document stamped by the alien office (INM) showing that your FM-3 was submitted for renewal.
 There is a requirement that you notify the Customs Office (in Spanish language and in writing,) if your migratory status was changed (i.e.: from a tourist visa to an FM3, etc.) You should attach copies of the vehicle permit as well as the renewed visa as inclusions to this notification to the Customs Office.
 Ley Aduanera/Customs Law
 II. Para retornar al extranjero en el mismo estado. II. To be returned abroad in the same condition.
 ARTICULO 106. Se entiende por régimen de importación temporal, la entrada al país de mercancías para permanecer en él por tiempo limitado y con una finalidad específica, siempre que retornen al extranjero en el mismo estado, por los siguientes plazos:
 ARTICLE 106. Temporary importation is understood as the entry of merchandise into the country, which shall remain in it for a limited period of time and for a specific purpose, so long as it is returned abroad in the same condition, for the following term:
 IV. Por el plazo que dure su calidad migratoria, incluyendo sus prórrogas, en los siguientes casos:
 IV. For the term his/her migratory status lasts, including its extensions, in the following cases:
 a) Las de vehículos propiedad de extranjeros que se internen al país con calidad de inmigrantes rentistas o de no inmigrantes, excepto tratándose de refugiados y asilados políticos, siempre que se trate de un solo vehículo.
 a) Vehicles driven into the country owned by foreigners bearing an immigrant (financially independent) or a non-immigrant status, excepting refugees and exile, as long as it is only one vehicle.
 Los vehículos que importen turistas y visitantes locales, incluso que no sean de su propiedad y se trate de un solo vehículo.
 The vehicles imported by tourists and local visitors, even if are not their own and as long as it is a single vehicle.
 Los vehículos podrán ser conducidos en territorio nacional por el importador, su cónyuge, sus ascendientes, descendientes o hermanos, aun cuando éstos no sean extranjeros, por un extranjero que tenga alguna de las calidades migratorias a que se refiere este inciso, o por un nacional, siempre que en este último caso, viaje a bordo del mismo cualquiera de las personas autorizadas para conducir el vehículo y podrán efectuar entradas y salidas múltiples.
 Such vehicles may be driven within the national territory by the importer, his/her spouse, his/her parents, children or brothers, even when the latter are not foreigners, by a foreigner bearing any of the migratory status above referred to in this section, or by a national, as long as always in this last case, one of the persons authorized to drive the vehicle travels on board and may entry or exit (the country) several times.
 Los vehículos a que se refiere este inciso, deberán cumplir con los requisitos que señale el Reglamento. Para más información, visite
 Vehicles referred to in this section must meet the requirements pointed out in the regulations. For more information (in Spanish) visit Diputados.gob.mx
 If you require clarification, please contact me: Laura Joachín M. Attorney at Law P.V. Law - Legal Services Av. Medina Ascencio 2902 Altos Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico 48335 Tel: Office (322) 221-2493 - Mobile (322) 132-8625. | 
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