News from Around Banderas Bay | May 2008  
Competitive Swimming in Puerto Vallarta at Colegio Mexico Americano School
Bob Cohen - PVNN

| From left to right are 16 year old Francisco Garcia, winner of 10 state medals, 16 year old Leslie Inurriaga, winner of an amazing 184 medals and is 2nd ranked in Mexico at her age and 14 year old Xavier Gomez-Maqueo who has won 10 regional and state medals. | 
| From the far end, the 50 meter Olympic size swimming pool at the Colegio Mexico Americano. | 
| In an exhibition, the young swimmers all swam the length of the pool. Here a group are ready to dive from the platforms. | 
| And they are off! | 
| Xavier Maqueo on the left assists in the interpretation form swimming coach Josafat Inurriaga or "Joey" as he is fondly known. | 
| From left to right are ardent supporters of the swimming program at the Colegio. Attorney Laura Joachin, mom of young Xavier, husband and wife Bill and Bobby Snyder, who were extremely instrumental in the construction of the pool and Laura's husband attorney Xavier at poolside during the function. | | Swimming in Puerto Vallarta is one of our most common activities, but competitive Olympic style swimming has been unheard of in our city, but has been happening for two plus years at the Colegio Mexico Americano. The school has been at its new location, just a few blocks east of the airport, for about three years.
 I was invited to a fund raising dinner to recognize the school's swimmers, some of whom have achieved state, regional and national acclaim. Having never been to the school, I was shocked when my good friend Attorney Laura Joachim Maqueo escorted me to the pool area. Right in front of me was a 50 meter, 6 lane Olympic size swimming pool with crystal clear water that appeared to be ready for International competition. It is the only one of its kind in the Banderas Bay area.
 Laura introduced me to her husband Xavier and to a few close friends that were among the 150+ attending the function. It is strange how people meet, but I met Laura at Immigration one day as I was there to renew my FM3 at 7 in the morning, two hours before the office opened. Waiting in line, as always I hoped to meet someone to chat with. On this occasion, a chilly February morning, Laura was standing next to me and after introducing myself she told me she was there on behalf of a client.
 Our conversation was not different than those that are the first when people meet. There was a very special prideful smile that crossed her face when I told her that I write for Banderas News and specialized in sports. She spoke proudly about her 14 year old son who swims competitively and had begun to win some state medals. I inquired about it, as I had never done a swimming piece in all my writings.
 A short bit of time passed and I received an email from Laura that stated her son Xavier had just returned from Guadalajara and won state gold medals in all three competitions he entered. This was big sports news to me. A few weeks later I was invited to the above mentioned dinner at the Colegio Mexico America.
 I was introduced to two of Laura and husband Xavier's special friends, Bill and Bobbie Snyder. They were ardent supporters of the swimming team and also the fact that the public can also swim at off school hours for a per hour/per day fee.
 The Snyders had no children attending the school, but in talking with them I found out that they were quite instrumental in the construction of the pool. I enjoy meeting low key people such as the Snyders who give to the community in a totally altruistic manner.
 Then came the introduction of the kids from the youngest to the oldest and most decorated. Each got onto the platform and dove off, swimming the length of the pool as their records were announced. Some had just began swimming; other had swam for a number of years. Never did I see such a group of well disciplined and happy kids, which is a reflection of their coach Josafat Inurriaga, better known as "Joey."
 The final three kids to be introduced were the pride of the Colegio Mexico Americano School; they had won numerous medals. Xavier Gomez-Maqueo, the son of Laura and Xavier at 14 years old has already won 10 gold medals in state and regional competition and has only been swimming for 14 months.
 Francisco Garcia at 16 years has won 10 medals at a state level. Saving the best for last was Leslie Inurriaga, a 16 year old girl who has been swimming for 9 years and has won an astounding 184 medals and most of the recent ones have been on the national level. Leslie is on the national team and the 2nd best female swimmer at her age in all of Mexico.
 The vision that all kids, parents, school officials and the city of Puerto Vallarta would love to see is one or more of these youngsters standing at the podium of the 2012 Olympic Games with medals being placed around their heads. With Leslie, it could be a distinct possibility and with Xavier and Francisco, one never knows. With the 50 meter, 55 yard Olympic sized pool at the school, another young student who had never had the chance to compete might just become another champion one day.
 This is the beauty of sports in its essence. Just like the famous baseball movie "Field of Dreams," the theme of "build it and they will come" is the theme that the Colegio Mexico Americano offers to the students and the public.
 Thanks to the generous donations already given and more donations that the school hopes to receive, the swimming program should gain national attention in the near future. I plan on covering competitions in the future and fully support the program. Donations are accepted and welcome to maintain the pool and program. | 
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