Vallarta Wise Wo-men Welcome Darla Fowler

| Darla Fowler will be speaking to the Wise Wom-Men of Vallarta at the International Friendship Club on Wednesday, May 28 at 10 am. | | International speaker, seminar leader, retired business executive and six year resident of Puerto Vallarta, Darla Fowler, will be speaking to the Wise Wom-Men of Vallarta at the International Friendship Club on Wednesday, May 28 at 10 am.
 Before moving to Vallarta, Darla was an executive director for an International firm who later became the owner of an International Arabian Horse business with sales in the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, England, France, and Australia. She also conducted seminars and lectures in these countries.
 Darla is a creative and resourceful individual, who established a new Woman's Ministry to help widows and single ladies in California in 1997. This is a very popular program that continues to this day. She is now assisting in the development of another program in Oregon.
 In 2006, with the help of HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta founder, Pam Thompson, Darla started the Wise Women in Vallarta Seminars, and she is looking forward to addressing both women and men at the next Wise Wo-Men meeting.
 Scheduled to take place at the International Friendship Club on Wednesday, May 28th from 10 am to 12 noon, the topic of this inspiring presentation is Denzil's Story - a moving and heartwarming true story of a sister's love - and ways of sharing yourself with loved ones and saving a life.
 There is no charge for the Wise Wo-Men Program, but any donations of food, baby and children's clothing, etc., which will be distributed to several local charities, is appreciated.
 For more information call (322) 209-1880 or send an email to darla(at) |